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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - December 4, 1981 <br />5. COMMUNICATIONS (continued) <br />Mr. Nim4z: Including the Chairman. <br />Mrs. Mu zl: Fifty -two years old isn't very old and we have <br />many, many homes in South Bend that are 52 years old, and <br />we are still paying taxes on them. So I question, might <br />not the repair of the Odd ,Fellows Building encourage other <br />private development downtown which we do need so badly. <br />Now if the City doesn't run everything or try to run every- <br />thing, maybe other developers might be encouraged to come <br />in also and I am sure its been pointed out as it was in <br />one of the letters this morning, that that will make a tax <br />base. Py other comment or question would be: will there <br />be more employment downtown from demolition, or will there <br />be more employment downtown from rehab. So, I questioned <br />the peo le, I was out to a meeting a couple of nights ago, <br />and I questioned the people there and they cannot under- <br />stand a 52 year old building being knocked down. I thank <br />you. <br />Mr. Nim z: Thank you. Mr. Lobdell, as I understand the <br />meeting that we've had with TRANSPO, if TRANSPO received <br />the building there is no way you could use the building, <br />it woulc have to come down.for the bus terminal plans, <br />is that right? <br />Mr. Nim z: Any other comments or so on? <br />Mr. Bra emas: Mr. Chairman, I think that maybe since this <br />is a... and I will try to make mine very brief. <br />Mr. Nim z: Thank you. <br />Mr. Bra emas: I have not spoken to Mrs. Mutzl for a num- <br />ber of months now so she has not set this up. <br />Mrs. Mu zl: He didn't ask me to come. <br />Mr. Brac <br />with the <br />this in <br />City COL <br />the buil <br />the Mayc <br />to come <br />'We do nc <br />for a bu <br />figurati <br />said, "ti <br />emas: I have, however, met just a short time back <br />Executive Director of the TRANSPO and I have said <br />public before but not to the Commission, but to the <br />ncil. At that time when I read in the paper that <br />ding was apparently to be demolished based upon <br />is letter, I contacted him and said I would like <br />down and see your plans. He responded by saying, <br />t have any plans,!' I said, "I don't mean the plans <br />ilding, I mean basically a site plan and the con - <br />on of how your buses would move in and out:"' He <br />ell, we really don't have very much on that." I <br />