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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - September 11, 1981 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />g. continued... <br />in this year, we will receive 10 certificates. We <br />are committed to put in another $100,000 next year <br />out of our 1982 money. That will allow us to re- <br />ceive approval for a total of twenty (20) Section 8 <br />Certificates. These certificates then can be issued <br />to ligible parties occupying these structures and they <br />wil receive the benefits associated with being declared <br />rec pient of the certificate. The certificate enables <br />the recipient to pay an amount equivalent to 25% of <br />the r total income for rent. The balance is then paid <br />by 4he Federal government through the Section 8 Program. <br />Mr. T. Brooks Brademas has worked with us quite closely <br />throughout the project and submitted a list of 15 houses <br />that we recommend for approval. (We had two other in- <br />dividuals submit quotations to us and one of them, <br />Andrew Place, will receive funding for 10 units from <br />another source, not utilizing the 312 loans themselves, <br />but through a combination of our money. tJe'.wi l;l be') <br />coming forward at a later date to the Commission.) We <br />are asking Commission approval for Mr. Brademas' 15 <br />units so that we can send the appropriate paperwork <br />dowr State for approval. We will then have to complete <br />somE additional paperwork and submit it to the HUD <br />Was ington office no later than September 30. <br />Mr. Brademas explained that his architects prepared the <br />inf rmation on the 15 units. Presently title searches <br />are in progress and we have an option -to- purchase on <br />all of the properties. Mr. Brademas further explained <br />that his organization will use an average of $25,000 <br />on Each unit for rehabilitation work. They will put <br />in 115,000 of their own money and will look for assis- <br />tance from Community Development and Rehabilitation <br />Pro rams for the additional money. Mr. Brademas stated <br />that it should not take any longer than six months <br />tot alto to renovate each house. Two of the units con- <br />tall two apartments each, the rest are single - family <br />dwellings. <br />We have a responsibility, as part of this program, to <br />insure that all of the existing tenants are properly <br />rehoused. One of the thrusts of the program is to try <br />to rehouse them in the same building or in the same <br />neighborhood. We anticipate that the rent for a 3 or <br />4 bedroom house will be around $300 per month, with <br />about $65 of that being allocated for utilities and <br />the balance to cover maintenance and taxes and to pay <br />