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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting - September 11, 1981 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />g. continued... <br />off the loan. The tenant would pay 25% of their <br />adj sted gross income and the balance would be picked <br />up y the Section 8 Certificate. <br />Mr. Brademas stated that his organization is going to <br />carry out the maintenance and management programs. We <br />will ask for meetings with several churches in the area <br />in lopes of recruiting several of the younger men from <br />the area to work with us during the actual rehabilita- <br />tio process and hope to retain one or more of them to <br />rem in in the neighborhood to handle the day -to -day <br />mai tenance tenants may require. <br />On z motion by Mr. Robinson, seconded by Mr. Cira and <br />una imously carried, the 312 Loan applications for <br />the Rental Rehabilitation Demonstration Project were <br />approved. <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />There arfe no additional progress reports to present. <br />8. NEXT COMMISSION MEETING <br />312 LOAN APPLICATIONS FOR <br />RENTAL REHABILITATION DEMON- <br />STRATION PROJECT APPROVED <br />The next <br />Commission Meeting will be <br />held on Friday, <br />NEXT COMMISSION MEETING WILL <br />Septemb <br />r 25, 1981. <br />BE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, <br />1981 <br />9. ADJOURNMENT <br />There b <br />ing no further business to <br />come before the Com- <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />mission, <br />Mr. Robinson made a motion <br />that the meeting be <br />adjourn <br />d. The motion was seconded <br />by Mr. Cira and <br />unanimo <br />sly carried. The meeting was <br />adjourned at <br />10 :58 a.m. <br />f <br />President P �k M. McMahon, rxecutive Director <br />10 <br />