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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting — February 6, 1981 <br />6. NEW BUSIINESS <br />c. conitinued... <br />Mr. Butler: In Tom's draft, the term of the con- <br />tract was renewable for six (6) months. I have <br />made the term through December 31, 1981. Basically, <br />we have to have a specific maximum amount as a <br />cap, you don't have to decide that necessarily now <br />if you don't know what that figure is. <br />Mr. McMahon: I don't know what that figure is <br />going to be. <br />Mr. Nimtz: This has been discussed with me and I <br />have discussed it with a number of Commissioners. <br />It is my recommendation that this be approved. Mr. <br />Brunner can.continue on with what he has been doing <br />concerning the First Bank Center± Project and the <br />Mall. I think that the proper motion would be that <br />this contract be approved subject to further approval <br />by our legal counsel. Is that right? <br />Mr. Butler: Right. <br />Mr. Donaldson made a motion to approve an Agreement <br />between the Department of Redevelopment and Thomas <br />J'. Brunner, Jr., for legal services related to the <br />development of the Century Mall Project, subject to <br />further legal counsel. The motion was seconded by <br />Mr. Robinson and unanimously carried. <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />Mr. McMahon: We have no progress reports per se other <br />than I would like to bring to your attention that Mrs. <br />Baumgartner has submitted to us a Cost Book that has <br />been requested by the Commission for a while. The book <br />identifies most of the costs that they are utilizing <br />for the various elements in reviewing and putting to- <br />gether their estimates for work that is done in con- <br />junction with 312 Loans and other areas. <br />Mr. Nim z: What I would suggest you do is make a copy <br />for Messrs.iRobinson, Cira and Donaldson. Can you do <br />that? <br />Mr. McMahon: We can distribute it any way you want. <br />NO <br />APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT <br />WITH THOMAS J. BRUN- <br />NER, JR., FOR LEGAL <br />SERVICES RELATED TO <br />CENTURY MALL PROJECT <br />