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South Bend Commission <br />Regular Mee �edevelopment <br />ing - February 6, 1981 <br />6. NEW BUSIINESS <br />b. Com ission approval requested for a Non- Profit <br />Rehabilitation Grant to Renew, Inc.; in the <br />amo nt of $10,000.00 "for a house located at <br />Mr. McMahon: Item (b) is a similar request for a <br />Non Profit Rehabilitation Grant to Renew, Inc. This <br />one is for 2009 West Sample Street, in the amount of <br />$10,000.00. <br />Mrs. Baumgartner: In this particular case the <br />$10,000.00 is the limit available through the Non- <br />Profit Grant Program. Mr. Hill has indicated i;n a <br />letter to us that Renew, Inc. will absorb any costs <br />over the $10,000.00. We have handled similar cases <br />witi them and they have, in fact, done so in the past. <br />Mr.lNimtz: Any further questions or comments? <br />Mr. Robinson made a motion to approve a Non - Profit COMMISSION APPROVED A <br />Rehabilitation Grant in the amount of $10,000.00 NON- PROFIT REHABILITATION <br />for Renew, Inc. The motion was seconded by Mr. Cira GRANT FOR RENEW, INC. FOR <br />and unanimously carried. 2009 WEST SAMPLE STREET <br />c. Commission a <br />the De artme <br />Jr., for 10q <br />al requested for an <br />of R <br />sere <br />development and <br />ces related t6 t <br />Ject. <br />greement between <br />omas J. Brunner, <br />development of <br />Mr. McMahon: Item (c) is a request to approve a con- <br />tra t between the Department of Redevelopment and <br />Tho as J. Brunner, Jr., for legal services related to <br />the development of the Century Mall Project. Mr. Brun- <br />ner has been employed through the City Legal Department <br />for a number of months now and his work has primarily <br />beei involved with the Tax Incremental Package, which <br />we are attempting to put together both for the market- <br />ing and from a legal standpoint. That work is con - <br />tin ing and will continue for some period of time until <br />we successfully bring this to a bond sale. It is being <br />requested by the City Administration that the Redevelop- <br />ment Commissioners consider this contract and fund <br />those services through Redevelopment in that the work <br />is geared toward the Century Mall Project and the <br />financial dealings involved in supporting that pro- <br />ject. Mr. Butler has reviewed the contract and, I <br />believe, may have made some changes. <br />F <br />