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South Bend redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - February 6, 1981 <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS (continued) <br />Mr. McMahon: Mr. President, we have a letter from Mrs. <br />Baumgar ner to the Commission which states that the <br />Section 8 Rehabilitation Standards have been compared <br />with thE local codes. Those standards which are over <br />and abo e our current local codes, the Basic Building <br />Codes for 1978, have been identified and there are <br />ten (10 of them. The Bureau of Housing has gone <br />through these ten different items and has some re- <br />commendations for us and is requesting that the Com- <br />mission adopt certain standards, which are over and <br />above t e basic housing code, and acknowledge that <br />others lave been utilized by HUD which we may not <br />wish to pursue just because of the hardship that we <br />feel ma be placed upon those people who are utiliz- <br />ing the 312 Loans. In the case of these different <br />items, t is my understanding that they are somewhat <br />discret ovary. They acknowledge that they are just <br />recomme ded standards and they may not apply in all <br />areas. The Bureau of Housing would simply like the <br />Redevel pment Commission to take a position with <br />respect to where these various items that are over <br />and abo e the local codes stand. Perhaps it would <br />be prop Er if I just ran down the ten of them very <br />quickly and state what the disposition was. <br />Mr. Nim z: Certainly. <br />Mr. McMahon: Kathy, would you correct me if I over- <br />look so ething? I am not going to read your entire <br />letter. <br />Mrs. Baumgartner: Yes. <br />Mr. McMahon: One of the items pertains to hand rails <br />that should be installed on all stairways. This is <br />being r commended for adoption and is over and above <br />what thE local code calls for. <br />Another item recommended for adoption is that the <br />general appearance of the outside of the structure <br />and the lot, after rehabilitation, should be such <br />that it makes a significant contribution to the gen- <br />eral ap earance of the neighborhood. I don't know <br />how one enforces that. <br />Mrs. Baumgartner: Previously in our Grant Program <br />we did Veau's hing to the exteriors and there was a move <br />on the part this year to enhance the exterior. <br />t, <br />