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South Bend Commission <br />Regular Mee�edevelopment <br />ing — February 6, 1981 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />a. Commission approval requested for a Non- Profit <br />Rehabilitation Grant to Renew, Inc., in the <br />amo nt of 7,963.00 for a`house located at 621 <br />North Diamond Avenue. <br />Mr. McMahon: Commission approval is requested for <br />a Non-Profit Rehabilitation Grant to Renew, Inc., <br />in the amount of $7,963.00 for a house located at <br />621 North Diamond Avenue. Mrs. Baumgartner is here <br />with us this morning to explain this item. <br />Mrs. <br />Baumgartner: ,Actually, there are two grants <br />to be <br />approved this morning. Mr. John Hill, Ex- <br />ecutive <br />Director of Renew, Inc., is here on behalf <br />of <br />the organization. I would just like to say <br />that <br />Renew, Inc., has an excellent track record <br />with <br />the Non - Profit Grant Program, and has been <br />very <br />timely in their completion of projects. I <br />would <br />highly recommend the awarding of these two <br />grants. <br />Mr. <br />Nimtz: To refresh everyone's recollection, <br />this <br />is the semi- religious non - profit organization. <br />Mr. <br />Hill: We had some religious orientations at <br />the <br />beginning, but we are not a religious orien- <br />ted <br />group. <br />Mrs. <br />Baumgartner: They are prime movers of the <br />non - <br />profit program. <br />Mr. <br />Nimtz: Do I hear a motion that this be approved? <br />Mr. <br />Cira made a motion to approve a Non - Profit Re- <br />COMMISSION APPROVED A <br />habilitation <br />Grant in the amount of $7,963.00 for <br />NON - PROFIT REHABILITATION <br />Renew, <br />Inc. The motion was seconded by Mr. Robinson <br />GRANT FOR RENEW, INC. FOR <br />and <br />unanimously carried. <br />621 N. DIAMOND AVENUE <br />Mr. <br />Robinson: Do you have someone who is involved <br />in <br />the actual nuts and bolts of these projects? <br />Someone <br />who supervises the wage scales to make sure <br />the <br />contractors are paying the proper wage scales? <br />Mr. <br />Hill: Yes. <br />Mr. <br />Nimtz: I have never heard any criticisms or <br />comments <br />concerning them at all. <br />Mr. <br />Robinson: I am looking out for the working <br />people. <br />