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South Bed Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - May 16, 1980 <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />Mr. Donaldson made a motion to approve <br />a lease agreement between the Depart- <br />ment of Redevelopment and Michiana <br />Salt Company, Inc. to lease Parcel <br />#9 -25 (Lerners) for $1.00 per month, <br />seco ed by W. Robinson and the motion <br />was animously carried. <br />FLOOR DISICUSSIONS <br />Mrs. len: Aren't you even going to <br />menti n the Odd Fellows Building on what <br />you a e doing presently? <br />Mr. N' tz: I wish I could tell you how <br />many hours Mr. Butler, the redevelopment <br />staff and I have spent studying the Odd <br />Fellows Building. <br />Mrs. len: It would be nice if some of <br />us kn w what was going on. <br />Mr. N mtz: I have said before when you <br />are dealing with these people they do not <br />want their affairs made public, and we <br />respect their request. If they would <br />like to reveal their affairs that is <br />up to them. We have been talking to <br />all three of the other proposals <br />concerning this matter and if they would <br />like to reveal anything that is up to <br />them. The attitude of the <br />Commission is that anybody who wants <br />to start, at least at this juncture is <br />going to have to.comply with HUD regulations <br />when ive finally get down to signing a <br />contr t. I have told the Mayor and <br />the staff as far as the Commission <br />is co cerned there is no way of waiving <br />these HUD regulations unless HUD waives <br />them. Is that correct Mr. Ellison? <br />Mr. Ellison: Mrs. Allen, we entered <br />into a 30 -day exclusive negotiation <br />period, and after that period, the <br />Commission agreed to express its <br />intent to convey subject to details <br />being worked out. <br />24 <br />COMMISSION APPROVAL GRANTED <br />FOR A LEASE AGREEMENT <br />BETWEEN DEPARTMENT OF <br />REDEVELOPMENT AND MICHIANA <br />SALT COMPANY, INC. TO LEASE <br />PARCEL #9 -25 FOR $1.00 <br />PER MONTH <br />DISCUSSIONS CONCERNING <br />OUTCOME OF ODD FELLOWS <br />BUILDING <br />