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South B, <br />Regular <br />6. NEW <br />e. <br />7. <br />Redevelopment Commission <br />ting - May 16, 1980 <br />INESS <br />ttinued... <br />T,ie Chair announced that this item <br />( ontract between Baird & Warner for <br />professional services for the Department <br />oF Redevelopment, City of South Bend) <br />b placed on the agenda at the next <br />r gularly scheduled South Bend Redevelop - <br />m nt Commission Meeting, pending further <br />vestigation by the Redevelopment staff <br />d Commissioners. <br />REPORTS <br />Interfim Leases in Century Mall Proiect <br />Mrs. olata: By telephone approval the <br />Commission has approved a lease for <br />W. Garret who wishes to lease Parcel <br />#9 -21 known as the "wig shop" for $1.00 <br />to operate some sort of eating establishment. <br />At one point we understood he was opening <br />up a estaurant, and at another we understood <br />it to be an Ice Cream Parlor; so I am uncertain <br />just idiat type of eating establishment he <br />is referring to. We would like to have a <br />reconfirmation on this lease. <br />Mr. Donaldson made a motion to approve <br />a lease agreement between the Department <br />of Redevelopment and Mr. Garret to lease <br />Parcel #9 -21 ( "wig shop ") for $1.00 per <br />month seconded by Mr. Cira, and the motion <br />was animously carried. <br />Mrs. olata: Commissioner Robinson has <br />given us a telephone approval on our next <br />lease but we were unable to contact the <br />other commissioners. A company known as <br />Michiana. Salt Company, Inc. wishes to lease <br />Parce #9 -25 (Lerner's Shop) for a coffee <br />shop qating establishment. <br />W. H rton: I might add that contrary to <br />the o her eating establishment, this coffee <br />shop is going to be open during the hours <br />of 5 c1clock in the evening until 10 p.m. <br />22 <br />COMMISSION APPROVAL FOR <br />CONTRACT WITH BAIRD & <br />WARNER FOR PROFESSIONAL <br />SERVICES FOR DEPT. OF <br />REDEVELOPMENT DELAYED <br />PENDING FURTHER INVES- <br />TIGATION BY STAFF AND <br />C044ISSIONERS <br />COMMISSION APPROVAL GRANTED <br />FOR A LEASE AGREEMENT <br />BETWEEN DEPARTMENT OF <br />REDEVELOPMENT AND M. GARRET <br />TO LEASE PARCEL #9 -21 <br />FOR $1.00 PER MONTH <br />