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South Ben Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular eting - May 16, 1980 <br />6. NEW B SINESS <br />e. Mr. Ellison continues... <br />t ey are sensitive to what we have <br />done as a community in the past and <br />what we care to do in the future. <br />If it should turn out that there are <br />pieces of a project for which there <br />a e no developers, it is our intent <br />t try to encourage Baird F Warner to <br />aft as developers. They have done <br />tiat in a number of situations around <br />tie country. <br />. Nimtz: Has this been discussed <br />w th the Mayor and has his approval, <br />as well as St. Joseph Bank? <br />. Ellison: Yes, it has. <br />Nimtz: Mr. Ellison, you say <br />there is no urgency that we approve <br />e contract today, is that correct? <br />. Ellison: That is correct. <br />Mrs. Allen: I was just wondering, <br />assuming since you have had professionals <br />all the way down the line, do you have a <br />p ofessional line up to review Baird $ <br />Warner's proposition? <br />Mr. Nimtz: I am going to review it. <br />s. Allen: Everytime you get a professional <br />Pidgement you call in someone else to review <br />it, and I wondered if Baird and Warner is <br />going to be the final one? <br />When you get their review, are you going to <br />call in someone else to review theirs? <br />lvh-. Ellison: Mrs. Allen, it is not that <br />we are duplicating effort. What we are <br />r ally doing is refining the effort. It <br />is one thing to have a concept and another <br />thing to build a project. We are somewhere <br />b tween a concept and project. <br />rvb-s. Allen: You keep reviewing and reviewing. <br />M ' Ellison: That may be, but the reality <br />o the development is that you deal with <br />w atever the reality is at a point in time. <br />21 <br />