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South Be *d Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular eeting - April 25, 1980 <br />7. PRO SS REPORTS <br />a. 14rs. Kolata continues... <br />e way it will work is that the <br />petitioner will go to the City <br />Jerk's office, fill out a petition <br />equesting tax abatement, it will <br />hen be referred to redevelopment <br />For investigation and report to the <br />City Council, who will then have a <br />declaratory resolution. They will <br />ass a resolution, refer it on to the <br />ea Plan Commission and it will then <br />ome back to the City Council for <br />public hearing and final passage. <br />e staff is still working on procedures <br />or handling these requests as they come <br />in to the department. The ordinance <br />as passed, but it is still in the <br />rocess of having the legal notice <br />of its adoption published, so therefore, <br />he petitions will not be available <br />til May S. <br />. Nimtz: It would come directly from <br />he City Clerk's office to us, then it <br />would go to City Council? <br />qrs. Kolata: We would then make a report <br />to the City Council. <br />. Nimtz: Then they refer it to the Area <br />Jan Commission? <br />Mrs. Kolata: That is correct and then it <br />comes back to the Council for a public hearing <br />and for final adoption of the resolution. We <br />are still working on the procedures, and we <br />expect that probably next week we are going <br />to try to do a couple of dry runs in terms <br />of what types of information we need. <br />Mr. Nimtz: Do you know Mrs. Kolata if it <br />provides for a public hearing in front of <br />the Area Plan? <br />Mrs. Kolata: No, there is no hearing at Area Plan. <br />Mr. Ellison: It for the most part follows <br />our state statute so that the presumption is <br />for the Area Plan Commission to say that the <br />plan or the abatement in question is consistent <br />with the local plan. <br />-30- <br />