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South Bond Redevelopment Commission <br />a Me <br />Regul r eting - April 25, 1980 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />b. ICommission <br />proval reguested for <br />11 authorizing the <br />RedeV612�ment Agreement <br />sition of land and the <br />quit =claim deed(s for <br />of title thereto in <br />th land to be disposed <br />alle Park Proiect. Ind. <br />1 # Name Amount <br />18 -14 Lula McNeal $129.60 <br />s. Auburn made a motion to approve <br />esolution #611 authorizing the execution <br />f Redevelopment Agreement for the <br />isposition of land and the execution of <br />uit -claim deed(s) for the transfer of <br />itle thereto in connection with land to <br />e disposed of in the LaSalle Park <br />roj ect, Ind. R-57, (Parcel 2 18 -14 <br />D Lula McNeal, in the amount of $129.60), <br />econded by W. Cira, and the motion <br />as unanimously carried. <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />a. lax Abatement <br />Ors. Kolata: The Commission will remember <br />in December they passed a resolution <br />;tating their intent to not consider any <br />lore tax abatement requests pending <br />_mplementation of local standards and <br />>rocedures. Since that time, Mr. Horton <br />ind I have worked with Mr. Richard Hill, <br />:i.ty Attorney, and Kathy Cekanski- Farrand, <br />:ouncil Attorney, and have helped write <br />n ordinance which was passed by the <br />;ommon Council at their April 14, 1980 <br />ession. The ordinance which has been <br />sassed establishes the procedures for <br />'iling for tax abatement. Just <br />,riefly, as the state law is written, <br />he procedure must follow the declaratory <br />- esolution process that the Redevelopment <br />ommission follows. <br />-29- <br />RESOLUTION #611 APPROVED <br />FOR THE SALE OF PARCEL <br />#z 18 -14 TO LULA MCNEAL <br />IN THE M4OUNT OF <br />$129.60 IN LASALLE PARK <br />(IND . R-57) <br />DISCUSSION CONCERNING <br />TAX ABATEMENT PROCEDURES <br />