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South B, <br />Regular <br />Redevelopment Commission <br />ting - April 25, 1980 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />a. Mrs. Baumgartner continues... <br />ere is no such thing as a window <br />oop. Why it appeared on our specs <br />d why the contractor bid on it, is <br />yond our comprehension, so it is being <br />leted from the contract. We did speak <br />th the contractor and he thought <br />ybe it meant the sill, but it was bid <br />nonetheless. <br />. Cira: How could the contractor bid <br />it if he didn't know what it was? <br />. Baumgartner: We assumed he knew <br />t he was talking about. <br />. Ellison: Mrs. Baumgartner, I think <br />at this is a very positive sign that we <br />e identifying these little problems and <br />e correcting them. The staff certainly <br />uld think the Commission should approve <br />r. Cira made a motion to approve Change <br />rder #13 for an increase of $43.00 to <br />ontract Northeast #06 with Plaia Construction <br />ompany to install an aluminum combination <br />torm door and delete four window stoops, <br />econded by Mr. Donaldson, and the motion <br />as unanimously carried. <br />. Ellison: Mrs. Baumgartner, are we <br />ing to see increased business from you <br />the near future? <br />. Baumgartner: Yes and no. Our con - <br />ctors meeting is tentatively scheduled <br />May 7 and we should then be ready to <br />business going. We are going to be <br />king on all our procedures and forms <br />having an orientation, so hopefully by <br />t month we should have something. <br />-28- <br />CHANGE ORDER #13 <br />APPROVED FOR AN <br />INCREASE OF $43.00 <br />WITH PLAIA CON- <br />STRUCTION COMPANY <br />