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South B nd Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - March 31, 1980 <br />7. PRO(RESS REPORTS (continued) <br />Mr.lEllison continues.... <br />want to oppose it might have to do <br />with traffic, it might have to do with <br />the design that is proposed, it might <br />have to do with a lot of things. But <br />ordinarily the Mayor will not consider <br />any of that until HUD has received a <br />pro osal and it has been transmitted <br />to he City. <br />ThelChair recognized Ms. Hernandez: <br />Ms. Hernandez: I was under the impression <br />that HUD was not planning any more Section <br />8 aiits for the elderly until we had some <br />family units. <br />Mr. Ellison: The NOFA that is on the street <br />is for family housing, small and large. <br />Whar you should bear in mind is that <br />sometimes a developer, particularly in <br />a r hab situation, will propose a unit mix <br />that has a lot of one bedroom units in it, <br />and if a developer were to do that, it is <br />rather obvious that a one bedroom unit will <br />not accommodate the needs of a female head <br />of he household who has a child, because <br />of the need for two bedrooms. We look at <br />what the market for a one bedroom is and <br />come down to either single households or <br />elderly or handicapped. So sometimes <br />a developer will seek one bedroom units <br />rat er than to do family units. <br />Mrs Allen: What are they proposing to <br />do 'th Harber Homes? <br />Mr. Ellison: Well Mrs. Allen, a solution to <br />Har er Homes is being pursued. HUD has <br />comiftitted itself to the housing authority - <br />if they wish to convert from home ownership <br />to standard public housing for $300,000.00 <br />modernization money for rehabilitation of <br />Har er Homes. HUD has also asked us to <br />assist the authority in putting together <br />a modernization application and it is <br />-19- <br />