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South Bond Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - March 21, 1980 <br />6. NEWIBUSINESS <br />7. <br />continued.... <br />W. Ellison continues... <br />September so that we don't wind up <br />creating pubic relation problems. <br />CRESS REPORTS <br />Mr. Ellison: The staff has not prepared a <br />pro ress report, but perhaps the press may <br />wan to ask a few questions. <br />Ms. <br />by A <br />the <br />Mr. <br />use <br />W. <br />thei <br />usi. <br />to I <br />actj <br />Ms. <br />to x <br />of C <br />ISM <br />Derbeck: Referring to. the remarks made <br />[r. Kagel...Is this a firm that wishes to- -.use <br />space? <br />Ellison: It is a firm that may wish to <br />some of the space. <br />Nimtz: Ms. Derbeck, let me say this... <br />e has been interest displayed in people <br />g these spaces on an interim basis downtown <br />eep traffic going and to keep present merchants <br />ve. <br />Derbeck: Does Redevelopment have any role <br />lay in the possible development or renovation <br />entral High School? <br />Nimtz: That is not within our area. <br />Mr. Ellison: A simple explanation is that <br />the developers respond to these Section 8 proposals <br />and the Redevelopment staff is involved in <br />large part because I have a great interest <br />in housing and sometimes get involved in <br />areas outside of Redevelopment. If a developer <br />were to submit a proposal to HUD to convert <br />Central High School to assisted housing, the <br />Mayor would have to comment on that proposal <br />and evaluate it along with whatever other <br />one might come in response to the NOFA <br />tha is out for 100 units. That process <br />wou d likely take place between now <br />and June. <br />By he way, subsidized housing in downtown <br />is of inconsistent with the City's housing <br />assistance plan. The reason the Mayor might <br />-18- <br />