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South Bond Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - March 21, 1980 <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS (continued) <br />a <br />Mr.lEllison continues.... <br />the efore expected that a solution to <br />Harter Homes will in fact be found sometime <br />this year. <br />What HUD is doing for the community is <br />giving us enough money to fix Harber Homes <br />so that you can use all 55 units and also <br />to give us enough money to do an additional <br />100 units of assisted housing. HUD is <br />responding to what our housing assistance <br />pla shows to be a substantial community need. <br />The 155 units altogether will only begin to <br />put a dent in our family and elderly needs. <br />We have a waiting list of 500 lower income <br />families who want to get into the public <br />housing authority. Most assisted housing <br />projects around the community also have waiting <br />lists. There is a severe shortage of decent <br />housing for lower income residents. <br />NE2g COMMISSION MEETING <br />The next scheduled Redevelopment Commission <br />mee ing will be held on April 11, 1980 at 10:00 A.M. <br />There being no further business to come before <br />the Commission, Mr. Robinson made a motion that <br />the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Mr. Donaldson, <br />and the motion was unanimously carried. The meeting <br />was adjourned at 10:37 A.M. <br />-20- <br />NEXT COMMISSION <br />MEETING <br />F_ "�IIN011aI��ff� <br />Carl Ellison, Executive Director <br />