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South B nd Redvelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - March 21, 1980 <br />4. CO _ ICATIONS (continued) <br />Mr.lKagel continues.... <br />The problem of broken windows, forced entry <br />or whatever else may occur will happen until <br />you can have the building occupied. I realize <br />that whoever is going in there will be <br />required to have wiring connections, plumbing <br />connections, etc. At least they will have <br />something in the building. <br />Ms. Auburn: I am not sure, as a Commissioner, <br />that we want to get involved in a short term <br />lease basis and try to decide who is going to <br />go where. Why can't we just let the staff <br />decide that? <br />Mr. Ellison: We can, that is the kind of <br />ansiver that I am looking for. What I am <br />see ing from the Commission is concurrence <br />that there is indeed public concern in <br />cau ing that space to be utilized for two <br />reason; 1) that the department is burdened <br />with having to manage properties that are <br />vacant and has concurrent costs <br />associated with it; 2) there is also <br />con ideration of safety and of desirability <br />to continue to promote viability downtown <br />as ive go through the redevelopment process. <br />Those things, coupled with our conversations <br />froin the last meeting, would seem to suggest to <br />the Commission that its position should <br />be hat it is desirable to fill up those <br />buildings as rapidly as possible. In the <br />process, it is the staff's feeling that we will <br />encounter different situations with different <br />parries that may have interest in the property. <br />The efore, we are looking for the flexibility to be <br />abl to negotiate and be able to respond by executing <br />Lease agreements if they are appropriate. <br />Ms. Auburn: I don't have any problem with that. <br />Mr. Ellison: It is a little unusual and awkward <br />bec use ordinarily our process would be more <br />Ms. Auburn: I also think we are in a very unusual <br />stake of the downtown development, and we are not <br />-13- <br />