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South end Redevelopment Commission <br />Regula# Meeting - March 21, 1980 <br />4. CO ICATIONS (continued) <br />Ms. Auburn continues... <br />3e s like a good idea and I think it would <br />in rease the traffic downtown which I feel the <br />Ile chants would appreciate. <br />It appears to me that the availability of <br />th buildings would be open and on a first come <br />fi st served basis and that wouldn't pose any <br />ar blem. <br />Mr. Nimtz: You can get into some rivalry as to <br />whc has the best location etc. <br />Ms. Auburn: I feel they can hassle that out <br />am ng themselves. <br />Mr. Ellison: I am not so concerned about the <br />request from political organizations as I am about <br />the fact that if we are going to try to seek tenants <br />on a short term basis, we should have month -to -month <br />leases cancellable with a 30 -day notice. The process <br />itself is a negotiable one, and I am concerned about <br />the mechanics of having to try to negotiate a lease <br />and then come back to the Commission for lease approval, <br />because in the process we lose a great deal of time. <br />W. Nimtz: Mr. Kagel, am I at liberty to make any <br />fu ther statement concerning our meeting, or do you <br />want to make some statement concerning plans? <br />Mr. Kagel: Yes. There is a firm that has indicated <br />some interest in renting space and I think it would <br />be wise to rent it space. <br />Mr. Cira:. How are you going to determine the rent <br />pei square foot? <br />Mr. Ellison: I presume that would be negotiable. <br />Mr. Nimtz: Mr. Kagel, you don't want to say anything <br />fu ther than that? <br />Mr. Kagel: I am not prepared to speak, but I think <br />that you are moving in the proper direction. I feel <br />a decision should be made properly and from a legal <br />standpoint some things have to be worked out, but <br />after all the firm is willing to take and assme the <br />1i ility situation, the insurance, utilities, etc. it <br />is far better to have the building occupied, rather <br />th have it empty. <br />-12- <br />