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South B nd Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - March 21, 1980 <br />4. COM"ICATIONS (continued) <br />Mr.INimtz continues..... <br />What I would suggest is that we refer this to <br />the staff for recommendation and report. I <br />can see some questions being raised concerning <br />allocation of space as to competing candiates <br />requesting other spaces they may wish to have, <br />and of course, it is a question of what firms <br />are going to move out in light of our letter <br />to them and the possiblity of remaining. <br />Unless there is some objection the Chair will <br />direct that this be referred to the staff and <br />legal counsel for recommendation and report. <br />Mr. Ellison: Mr. President, may we spend <br />a minute and perhaps continue some of the <br />conversations from the last meeting regarding <br />the suggestion that we investigate the possibility <br />of trying to put together the reuse of these <br />properties that are now vacant and will become <br />vac t in light of the fact that they will <br />not be torn down until some time next year. <br />The staff has given the matter some thought <br />and would like some indication from the <br />Co fission that it might be desirable to <br />and rtake a process to determine whether we <br />can find tenants for the property. We feel <br />the idea is a good one and it makes our job <br />easier to have those properties occupied <br />rather than vacant. Also, it will assist <br />the merchants downtown to have the space <br />occupied. We would like some Commission <br />authorization which gives the staff <br />flexibility to seek out tenants and to <br />execute lease agreements where appropriate <br />for that space. We would presume, of course, <br />that the normal processes related to lease <br />agreements, that is the protection of the <br />Conpission from the standpoint of <br />ins rance, and the normal requirements <br />relative to fixtures, etc., would be <br />applicable. We would like the Commission's <br />permission to try to undertake an effort to <br />see if we can fill up some of the space in a <br />rab d fashion. <br />Ms. <br />in <br />for <br />Auburn: If there is something that would go <br />he vacant spaces that would .fit the time plan <br />our demolition schedule in the spring, then it <br />-11- <br />