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South Band Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting 7 March 21, 1980 <br />4. COM14LNICATIONS <br />b. continued.... <br />Mr. Ellison: There is an additional communication <br />whi h I received this morning, addressed to me, <br />whi h I would like to read from the Citizens for <br />Mr. Ellison read the letter as follows: <br />Mauch 18, 1980 <br />Mt. Carne Bttison, Di)Lecto& <br />DepaAtment aj Redevetopment <br />City a6 South Bend, <br />Suite 1200, County -City Buitding <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />CaAt: <br />I utdeutand that sevetae a4 the buitdingz <br />stated 4ot demot%tion in otdett to make way <br />4ot the Centutcy Maw p&o ject witt. be ava itabte <br />4otc untat untit JanuoAy, . 1981. <br />A.s you know, Citizens 4o& Mademas w"i ?t &egu Ae <br />a h adguattetus 4on its 1980 campaign, beginning <br />in Juty o4 this yeah., and ending in NovembeA. <br />I woutd Uke the headguahtm to be tocated in <br />the bu,itding pnevtautsty occupied by the Business <br />Sys ems .sto),Le, Located on Rivet Bend Plaza. <br />14 this is not 4eazibte, then the stotce <br />buieding 4o&me t y occupied by Gattenkamps <br />wouEd be outs second choice. <br />Pte e .let me know what ahtcangements w.itt have <br />to be made in otcdeA jot us to z ecune a jac c c ity. <br />Thank you jots youtL coopeAation. <br />Sin eAet y, <br />S/ <br />Ric atzd B. Hunt <br />Citizens 4otr. Mademas <br />103 west Wayne Sttceet, Room 212 <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />Mr. Nimtz: I might say that Mr. Ellison discussed <br />this with me and we knew such a request was coming <br />several days ago. Mr. Butler I believe this was <br />discussed with you. <br />-10- <br />LETTER FROM CITIZENS <br />FOR BRAMIAS REQUESTING <br />RENTAL SPACE IN <br />PROPERTY LOCATED IN <br />THE CEMRY MALL <br />PROJECT AREA <br />