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South Bend <br />Regular Me, <br />7. <br />elopment Commission <br />— March 7, 1980 <br />REPORTS (continued) <br />Mr. Ellison: It is now the 7th of March, and we <br />had indicated last year by letter to property <br />owners andmerchants in the mall area the likeli <br />hood that we would want to take possession of <br />those p operties inside the mall area which we <br />have ac uried by about the end of March of this <br />year. However, at the start of the year we did <br />not follow through by sending the 90 -day notices <br />to vaca e. We are now in a circumstance where <br />it woul be helpful and appropriate to those <br />who are to be displaced if we would indicate <br />to them a new estimated time for having them <br />vacate the property. My recommendation to the <br />Commission is that the Commission instruct me <br />to write a second letter to the property owners, <br />merchants and tenants indicating an intent to <br />issue notices to vacate no sooner than <br />January 31, 1981. Based on where we appear to <br />be with GSA, the Odd Fellows Building, and with <br />TRANSPO it seems timely to send a letter. <br />Ground) eaking that would require either shifting <br />over th bus transit facility, or that would <br />require the need of that ground would not <br />likely ventuate prior to that time. <br />Mr. Robinson made a motion that the merchants <br />and property owners inside the mall area be <br />notiTie-d by letter from the Executive Director, <br />of the Department of Redevelopment, that the <br />departm nt does not anticipate taking possession <br />of their properties before January 31, 1981, <br />seconded by Ms. Auburn, and the motion was <br />unanimously carried. <br />Ms. Aub rn: I have a question. I would like to <br />know whElt type of liability we accrue for a person <br />or business that may have already relocated on an <br />earlier time plan. <br />Mr. Ellison: We don't accrue any because the <br />initial letter was not a notice to vacate. Rather, <br />it was a letter which described itself as a letter <br />of courtesy to them which indicated an anticipated <br />timetable. There are no liabilities that I am <br />aware of. <br />Ms. Auy rn: I notice that Business Systems has <br />reloca ed on W. Washington so that they will be <br />totall out of that building leaving it vacant. <br />-12- <br />DISCUSSION OF DELAY <br />IN SENDING 90 DAY <br />NOTICES TO VACATE TO <br />TENANTS IN CENTURY MALL <br />AREA <br />