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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Me ting - March 7, 1980 <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />a. co tinued... <br />Mrs. Allen: How long do you suppose W. Jannotta <br />will take to review this proposal? <br />Mr. Nimtz: It could possibly take about two days. <br />Mr. Ellison: That is correct. We have not yet <br />contacted Mr. Jannotta, so I don't know what his <br />work capacity is at this point, but I don't believe <br />it would take Mr. Jannotta a long time to review it. <br />It would probably be done by next week presuming all <br />thE details are submitted by the developers. <br />Mrs. Allen: Then it might occur at your next <br />me ting? <br />Mr. Ellison: It could come at the next meeting <br />or it could happen at the first meeting in April. <br />I ould doubt that it would take until April 11 <br />foi this information to reach us. <br />Ms. Derbeck: It must have been a pretty good <br />pr posal. <br />Mr. Nimtz It looked substantial. <br />Mr. Ellison: The parties involved are <br />su stantial. <br />Ms. Derbeck: Would we recognize their name? <br />Mr. Ellison: No. <br />Ms. Derbeck: There was something Mr. Ellison said <br />which I didn't Quite understand about the Mayor not <br />taking a position as to whether the building should <br />be demolished necessarily. <br />Mr. Ellison: That is correct. The optimism should <br />not be confused with an irrelevant commitment to leave <br />thE building standing. That is my understanding of <br />thE Mayor's position. <br />Mrs. Janet Allen: I don't feel we should feel uncertain <br />about the decision of the Odd Fellows Building at this <br />tine. We should make up our minds one way or the other, <br />Mr. Ellison: The Odd Fellows Building is a difficult <br />is ue, and it will be settled sooner or later. <br />-10 <br />