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South Ben Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular eting - November 7, 1980 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />b. W. McMahon continues... <br />fact that there are a number of <br />programs that are available to the <br />C aeys, such as economic development <br />bonds. Tax abatement however, is <br />something that we look at from the <br />standpoint, I believe the Council is <br />as well at this point particularly in <br />light of the number of petitions that <br />t ey have seen lately, it doesn't come <br />d wn to as much of a timing question as <br />t whether you started before or not, <br />as whether or not you can substantiate <br />t at it is necessary to make the project <br />h ppen, and the though it that if it is <br />n t necessary to make the project happen, <br />iE normal business activity and normal <br />e onomics are going to result in this <br />a tivity anyway, then tax abatement <br />s ould not be applied. Tax abatement <br />s ould be used as an incentive to encour -. <br />a e activity in distressed areas where it <br />is not possible for that to happen through <br />r utine business procedures. I think, <br />fortunately, the Tribune looked at it <br />ii their editorial as something that any- <br />one in South Bend should be able to claim <br />because there is a statute on the books. <br />I think that they, perhaps, did not look <br />at the intent of the statute when they <br />came forward with that. Nonetheless, <br />t at is the basis for our recommendation. <br />M . Nimtz: I understand that. The reason <br />I mentioned this, we looked like we had a <br />b ack eye or something after the Mossberg <br />b tition. <br />Mc. Cira: How firm is our recommendation. <br />Y u know we turned down Mossberg's and they <br />g t it, we might turn down these guys and <br />t ey still might get it. What difference <br />d es this make? <br />Robinson: That's right, so as far as I <br />concerned these people are just as entitled <br />it as anybody else and I will make the motion <br />t they are entitled to a tax abatement. <br />14 <br />