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South Ben Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular M eting - November 7, 1980 <br />6. NEW <br />b. W. Nimtz continues.... <br />ter we turned down Mossberg's and <br />the City Council went ahead and then <br />ATE got written up in the newspaper. <br />I was pleased when you bought the <br />p operty there because I knew we hadn't <br />b en getting rent on it for a long time. <br />. J. Claeys: The whole area was really <br />ing to pot, and it reflected upon the <br />using project around there, and I can <br />11 you that Jess Dickenson told me after <br />bought it that he was real pleased be- <br />use he thought maybe this might help the <br />using project get to work and improve the <br />using project. <br />. Nimtz: Let me ask this. Have the <br />gulations been changed where it said <br />the project was started you weren't <br />igible. <br />Butler: The law does not state a tax <br />a atement cannot be granted after work has <br />ccnnenced or after a building permit has <br />been issued. Basically, I think it is a <br />p licy decision that had been made at the <br />time the Department Staff and the Common <br />Ccuncil Committee were working on the <br />p ocedures and policies for the program <br />last January and February. So that is <br />a policy determination. It is within <br />t e Ordinance. <br />M . McMahon: No, I can say that it is <br />n t. If I might expand a little bit. We <br />think that everything the Claeys are doing <br />is great for the neighborhood. We think it <br />is fantastic that their business is in a <br />p sition that they can expand. There is <br />absolutely no question that this is really <br />a step up and it certainly has a benefit to <br />the general area. There is no question that <br />everything that Mr. Claeys stated is true and <br />we recognize that. The whole question of tax <br />a atement and the purpose of the statute, and <br />something that I think the Council as well is <br />ccming to grips with at this point, is the <br />13 <br />