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South Ben Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular M ehing - November 7, 1980 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />b. c6ntinues... <br />Robinson moved that the staff <br />ommendation not be accepted, and.. <br />t the application for tax abatement <br />sent to the City Council with a fa <br />able recommendation of the Redevelop - <br />t Commission, seconded by Mr. Donaldson <br />passed unanimously. <br />Mr. Nimtz: Let me say this to the staff. <br />Technically, I think you are right. I am <br />just looking at the public relations and <br />politics of this thing, and I think when <br />you compare this to Mossberg's the City <br />C uncil will approve it. <br />Mr. McMahon: I hope that the Claey's <br />people recognize where we are coming from in <br />that regard and we are very pleased to see <br />the activity that is going on. <br />Mr. Butler: I would like to make a point <br />though that this would not be deemed to set <br />a precedent with respect to tax abatement. <br />This is a determination that is made on the <br />facts in this case, the facts as presented <br />b th in the report and by the Claeys and <br />their Counsel. Each case has to be con- <br />sidered on its facts and I think that the <br />Redevelopment Department staff and the City <br />Administration and the Common Council may <br />within the next month or two, be restruc- <br />t ring the tax abatement procedures and <br />p licies, to make them clearer. <br />Donaldson: In all fairness to the <br />ff, the staff went according to the <br />k. <br />Mr. Nimtz: That is right, they are doing <br />it the way the thing is written. <br />Donaldson: Is there a time frame on <br />tax abatement. <br />, McMahon: The statute is pretty clear, it's <br />iduated over a 10 year period. It is basically <br />zivalent of one -half the taxes over the ten -year <br />-iod. <br />15 <br />