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South Ben Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular M eting - November 7, 1980 <br />6. NEW <br />b. M #. J. Claeys continues... <br />y taxes at all to help support the <br />City, the Commissions, and all the <br />other things, and we think we have a <br />p rfect right to come up here and ask <br />for some tax abatement on this even <br />though the time element doesn't <br />correspond with maybe some of the <br />rules and regulations. Another thing, <br />in talking with the Mayor the other day, <br />he was very, very pleased because our <br />building is right in the area of where <br />you are trying to do something to develop <br />the Studebaker property. We are the <br />entrance to it, you might say. If you <br />went the place to look junky like it was <br />looking, the three or four houses that <br />w re up there were absolutely a disgrace <br />tc the City, you wonder if sometimes does <br />the City really want to progress. We feel <br />t at we are doing something to help the City <br />make it look better, and we are particularly <br />ii an area that you are trying to develop. <br />Y u can see our place from here and you can <br />s e the Studebaker Complex from here, and <br />it does need some help. Tax abatement is <br />ore of the things that we are certainly <br />entitled to come up here and ask for, <br />w ether you grant it or not, that depends <br />upon you. <br />. Nimtz: Thank you, Jerry. <br />Don Claeys: I would like to add that <br />are not asking for permanent tax abate - <br />.t, only for a small period of time. <br />NIT. Gregg Claeys: I think one of the <br />iffportant things that I would like to re- <br />iterate is the fact that it's a temporary <br />tax abatement and the important thing is <br />that we want to stay in the City and be a <br />p rt of the City and grow with the City and <br />t at is the main reason we are up here re- <br />q esting abatement. <br />Nimtz: I don't know what the legal <br />ation is here, but let me say this to <br />Commission. <br />12 <br />