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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing - December 21, 1979 <br />Mr. Nimtz (continues).... <br />I feel you ave done a really good job. And as I have <br />said before, publicly, you could have just rested on the <br />oars this list eight or nine months; but you didn't do <br />it. We are where we are today because of you. I feel <br />the City of South Bend owes you a great deal of thanks for <br />what you have done. We have appreciated the leadership <br />you have given us. It gives me great pleasure to present <br />this plaque to you and I hope that you will remember the <br />association we have all had together. <br />Honorable or Peter J. Nemeth: Thank you Mr. Nimtz. <br />I would lika to say thank you very much for this plaque. <br />I have appr ciated the cooperation that you have given <br />me during the past four years. We had a few "dark" <br />days when I first began my administration, but we <br />persevered md it wasn't a job done by one person, but <br />by all of u3 and of course, by many people who aren't <br />with us thi3 morning. I will accept this as a symbol <br />of the hard work that was done by all of you as well <br />as all of t e people who aren't here today, to help rebuild <br />our downtown area and make redevelopment a success. I am <br />aware that ou have taken a lot of "slings and arrows" over <br />the years to why you are doing a particular project and <br />why there h n't been any progress; but it is a long and <br />difficult job and it takes time. I believe you are <br />starting to see some of the fruits of your work in the <br />groundwork that has occurred over the past few years. <br />I have thoroughly enjoyed working with each and every <br />one of you, and wish you the best success in continuing <br />the job. I hope that four years from now we can pass <br />out even more plaudits as more things come to pass in <br />our beautiful City. So once again, I thank you very much! <br />L�O[Caiuli�7 <br />There wire no communications to present to the <br />Commiss on. <br />S. OLD BUS <br />There w4s no old business to present to the <br />Commission. <br />-4- <br />NO COMMUNICATIONS <br />PRESENTED <br />