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South Bend edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Mee ing December 21, 1979 <br />The Chair r cognized the Honorable Peter J. Nemeth, <br />Mayor, City of South Bend. <br />Mr. Nimtz: Your Honor, this will come as no surprise <br />to you. I received a letter from the Mayor telling <br />me that he had read the resolution in the minutes <br />concerning him. Several weeks ago we did, in fact, <br />pass the following resolution so that we would have time <br />to frame it for the Mayor. It reads as follows: <br />RESOLUTION #595 <br />WHEREAS Ptwgtcesz and achievement in a putt is agency <br />atce mea6u/ted not in dtcamat is announcements otc times o J <br />ctutsis but ,n the day to day eJ4otrtt6 o4 competent peopte <br />who bused cate4uUy and we-U; and <br />WHEREAS <br />o4 such am <br />o4 the down <br />WHEREAS, <br />on the patet <br />WHEREAS <br />the City o4 <br />South Bend hats bene6itted 4nom the good o44.iee�s <br />. who hats dedicated hi-6 taeents to the imptovementls <br />wn atcea; and <br />this dedication has .invotved a total commitment <br />o4 this man and hits .6 taJ 6; and <br />he had teat W .impkint on the tcedevetopment of <br />South Bend; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT <br />RESOLVE that the South Send Depatrtment of Redevetopment <br />in a meet i.n a6 s embted on thus nineteenth day o4 Oe tobeA, <br />1979, hetceb eommendts Mayo& Pete —T. Nemeth. 4otc Ma totr ious <br />Se vice and expu/sses its gtcatitude 4an a job weU done. <br />S <br />F. Jay Nimtz, Ptcets- <br />S <br />Ltoyd E. Ro ,rots an, <br />Vice Pusid ►tit <br />S <br />Pete& Da on, <br />SecicetaAy <br />(SEAL) <br />Mr. Nimtz: <br />have diffez <br />rubber stair <br />together, b <br />and I know <br />S <br />Ro etrt a, <br />Atsts.ustant SecAetoAy <br />-- S <br />PauEa N. AubuAn <br />Memb etc <br />Your Honor, as I have stated before, you and I <br />�d many times before, as. this has not been a <br />Commission. We have settled our differences <br />it I have certainly appreciated working with you, <br />:he Commission has. <br />-3- <br />PRESENTATION OF <br />RESOLUTION #595 TO <br />MAYOR PETER J. NEMETH <br />