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South Bend R development Commission <br />Regular Meeting - August 3, 1979 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />e. continued...... <br />Mr. Pira: What are they providing now? <br />Mr. llison: They essentially function as a relocation <br />cons ltant. The HUD rules relative to business relocation <br />are very difficult. It is my view that it is less <br />expe sive to hire a consultant to provide counseling, <br />and the 'fixture appraisal services, etc. that are critical <br />to tie relocation process than to train a staff of <br />sufficient size to handle the same process. S.M. Dix was <br />retained sometime ago to provide those kinds of services <br />only in the business area. I don't expect that we would <br />want to utilize S.M. Dix to assist us if-we get involved <br />in a residential relocation program, °as may be the case <br />if t e Commission enters into projects in the Monroe /Sample <br />area for instance. I'think that 'is'something that can be <br />hand ed by trained staff.' We think professional consultants <br />are ecessary to handle business relocations properly. <br />Mr. ira: By law we are not required to have professional <br />cons ltants. <br />Mr. Ellison: No we are not. I think in the long run <br />for cost efficiency we are better 'off in this very <br />Jiff cult business area to have professionals involved. <br />I th nk our potential for error is substantially reduced <br />by v rtue of S.M. Dix's work. <br />Ms. Auburn made a motion to approve the "Amendment to <br />Contract for Professional and Technical Services" between <br />the City of South Bend, Department of Redevelopment, and <br />S.M. Dix & Associates, Inc., extending the contract until <br />the end of the year, seconded by Mr. Robinson, and the <br />motion was unanimously carried. <br />f. Commission approval requested for "Amendment to Contract <br />for Professional.and Technical Services ", between the <br />Cit of South Bend, Department of Redevelopment, and <br />James E. Childs & Associates, Inc.; Re: Monroe/Sample Area. <br />Mr. Ellison: This somewhat similar to the previous item <br />before the Commission. In this particular instance it <br />is n cessary to extend the contract by a few days and also <br />to a just the compensation, as Mr. Childs was called upon <br />to m ke many more presentations than was anticipated by <br />the original contract. Because of those additional presen- <br />tati ns, and additional time he put into this particular <br />prof ct, the staff believes it necessary to extend the contract <br />by 41 days and increase the compensation by $430.00, to pay for <br />the zdditional services he provided. <br />Mr. gira: What did the original contract call for? <br />APPROVAL OF AMEND- <br />MENT FOR JAMES E. <br />CHILDS & ASSOCI- <br />ATES <br />