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South Bend R development Commission <br />Regular - August 3, 1979 <br />6. NEW BUSI ESS (continued) <br />d. con;tinued...... <br />Mr. Ellison: The City, through the Department of <br />Engi eering has conducted a final inspection and <br />Bete ined all work completed in 'accordance with the <br />plan;, specifications and all applicable city standards, <br />asst forth in letter from Mr. John Leszczynski, Manager, <br />Bure u of Public Construction. <br />Ms. Auburn made a motion to approve a Certificate of <br />Comp etion to Ritschard Brothers Construction Company <br />for Demolition of Office Engineer's Building, Contract <br />#40, seconded by Mr. Cira, and the motion was unanimously <br />carr ed. <br />e. Commission approval requested for "Amendement to Contract <br />for Professional and Technical Services ", between the <br />= of South Bend, Department of Redevelopment,, and <br />S.M. Dix & Associates, Inc., Re: Central Downtown, <br />Ind. R -66. <br />Mr. Ellison: There is a need because of the time that <br />has Leen involved in the property acquisition and relo- <br />cation process in the Century Mall Project, to extend the <br />peri d of the S.M. Dix contract to the end of the year.. <br />This amendment would essentially do that, and would tie <br />additional compensation to the contract. This reflects <br />the staff estimate of additional services which will be <br />necessary to complete our task in that particular project. <br />Ther fore, we hope the Commission will approve the amend- <br />ment. <br />Mr. aira: How long is the contract to be extended? <br />Mr. Ellison: It extends until the end of the year. <br />It is the staff's presumption that by the end of the year <br />we will have completed all the relocation activities in <br />the Century Mall Project Area. If it would in fact turn <br />out that that could not be the case, we would likely <br />reco end to the Commission an additional extension of <br />time, as S.M. Dix services are essential to assuring that <br />we do the relocation process properly, <br />Mr. Cira: Is this his first extension? <br />Mr. B tier: This is the first extension relative to <br />the C ntury Mall Project. <br />Mr. Ellison: Had we not been delayed somewhat by problems <br />in th2 project, particularly the legal ones, we would <br />likely have ended with their services within the period <br />of th2 original contract. <br />-7- <br />APPROVAL OF AMEND- <br />MENT TO CONTRACT <br />FOR S.M. DIX & <br />ASSOCIATES <br />