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South <br />Regula <br />6. NE <br />6a <br />fx <br />c. <br />Bend Redevelopment <br />Commission <br />r Meeting <br />- August 3, 1979 <br />W B USI <br />ESS (continued) <br />loan applications....... <br />'312 <br />Ms. <br />Auburn then made a motion to approve a 312 loan <br />for <br />Leona McCoy of 801 S. Falcon for $7,000,00, subject <br />to a <br />written waiver from HUD, since Ms,,McCoy is a city <br />employee, <br />seconded by Mr. Robinson, and the motion was <br />unanimously <br />carried. <br />Commission <br />approval requested for Change Order #1, with <br />Area <br />Services, Inc. for a decrease in contract pri ce of <br />$10-0-.00, <br />for an amended contract total of 1,350.00, at <br />the address <br />of 911 Sherman Street, as set forth in letter <br />from <br />Mr. James Harcus, Director, Bureau of'Housin . <br />Mr. <br />arcus: According to rehabilitation contract for 911 <br />Sherman <br />Street specifications require replacement of oil <br />furnace. <br />The Commission is requested to approve Change <br />Order <br />No. l stipulating that furnace replacement to be a <br />gas fired <br />unit. Homeowner is now in agreement and a cost <br />saving <br />of $100.00 will occur. <br />Mr. Robinson <br />made a motion to approve Change Order #1, wi- <br />Area <br />Services, Inc., authorizing the replacement of an oi' <br />furnace <br />at a decrease in contract price of $100.00, seconc <br />by Mr. <br />Cira, and the motion was unanimously carried. <br />Commi <br />Sion approval requested for Change Order #1, with <br />B & B <br />Plumbing, for an increase in contract price of <br />1226 <br />0, for an amended contract total of $207.00, at the <br />addre <br />s of 1220 East Cedar, as set forth in letter from <br />Mr. James <br />Harcus, Director, Bureau of Housin . <br />The home under contract at 1220 East Cedar <br />Mr. Harcus: <br />sudde <br />tly developed a water leak from defective piping <br />judge <br />to be under the second story flooring. To prevent <br />furth <br />r damage to property, Bureau Director authorized <br />an em <br />rgency repair at a cost of $122.00. Be advised <br />that <br />his service has been rendered. The Commission's <br />cooperation <br />is requested for the approval of <br />Change <br />Order No. 1. <br />Mr. Cira <br />made a motion to approve Change Order #1, with <br />B & B <br />Plumbing, authorizing the repair of a water leak, <br />for ar <br />increase in contract price of $122.00, seconded <br />by Ms. <br />Auburn, and the motion was unanimously carried. <br />Commission <br />approval requested for execution of Certificate <br />Of C0 <br />letion to Ritschard Brothers Construction Company-, <br />Re: Demolition <br />Contract 40,`Office'En ineer's Buildin <br />Site clearance. <br />-6- <br />led <br />CHANGE ORDER #1 <br />WITH AREA SERVICES, <br />INC. APPROVED <br />CHANGE ORDER #1 <br />WITH B & B PLUMBING <br />APPROVED <br />APPROVAL GRANTED <br />FOR A CERTIFICATE <br />OF COMPLETION: RE: <br />DEMOLITION CONTRACT <br />40 - OFFICE <br />ENGINEER'S BUILDING <br />