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South Bend R development Commission <br />Regular Meeting July 20, 1979 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />f. contfinued... <br />Mr. ira made a motion to table Change Order #1 <br />with Jurtin's Construction Company, for a decrease in <br />contact price of $450.00, pending further report by <br />the Bureau of Housing, seconded by Mr. Robinson, and <br />the inotion ' was unanimously carried. <br />g. Commission approval requested for Resolution #584, <br />authorizing commencement of condemnation action on <br />Acquisition Parcel #9 =22, Indiana R -66. <br />Mr. utter: This is 'a resolution pertaining to the <br />Raitt Corporation property which was tentative by <br />Lane Bryant. I am hopeful that this will be the last <br />of tie condemnation requests, as it looks like every- <br />one Ise is ready for closing, or about to be settled. <br />Mr. Robinson made 'a motion to approve Resolution #584, <br />authorizing commencement of condemnation action on <br />Acqu sition Parcel #9 -22, Ind. R -66, seconded by <br />Mr. Cira, and the motion was unanimously carried. <br />h. Comm ssion approval requested for Resolution #585, #586, <br />#587 #588, and #589, authOrilin the execution of <br />Rede-elopment Agreement for disposition of land and <br />the execution of quit-claim deed" s for the transfer <br />of t tle thereto in connection with land to be disposed <br />of i the LaSalle Park Project, Indiana R -57. <br />Reso ution Parcel # Name Amount <br />58 11 -2 Shelby Little $172.80 <br />58 1 -21 Rosie L. Miller $ 96.00 <br />58 36 -14 Paula Ramirez $261.60 <br />588 22 -42 James Gunn $300.00 <br />589 18 -15 & <br />18 -16 Jonathan Davis $120.00 <br />Mr. Donaldson made a motion to approve Resolution #585, <br />#5862 #587, #588, and #589, authorizing the execution of <br />Redevelopment Agreement for disposition of land and the <br />execution of quit - claim deed(s) for the transfer of title <br />thereto in connection with land to be disposed of in the <br />LaSalle Park Project, Indiana R -57, parcel number 11 -2 to <br />Shelby Little in the amount of $172.80, parcel number <br />1 -21 to Rosie L. Miller in the amount of $96.00, parcel <br />number 36 -14 to Paula Ramirez in the amount of $261.60, <br />parcel number 22 -42 to James Gunn in the amount of $300.00, <br />and arcel numbers 18 -15 & 18 -16 to Jonathan Davis in the <br />amou t of $120.00, seconded by Mr. Cira, and the motion <br />was Qnanimously carried. <br />RESOLUTION #584 <br />AUTHORIZING CON- <br />DEMNATION ACTION <br />ON PARCEL #9 -22 <br />IND. R -66 APPROVED <br />RESOLUTIONS #585, <br />#586, #587, #588, <br />AND #589 FOR DIS- <br />POSITION OF LAND <br />IN IND. R -57, <br />LASALLE PARK PROJECT <br />APPROVED <br />