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South Bend R development Commission <br />Regular Meet ng - July 20, 1979 <br />5. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />e. continued... <br />Ms. uburn: Do you know for a fact that the wiring <br />is n t frayed, and that they simply want to replace it? <br />Mr. Robinson: If the tube wiring was put in properly, I <br />am sure that it was at that time, in my estimation it is <br />better than what it is today, but it is cost prohibited. <br />In other words, whenever wiring is run through rafters, <br />there is a protection put around the wiring with a <br />porcelain knob and this was protection enough. The wires <br />are separated enough that it is almost impossible for a <br />rodent or something else to knaw at both of them at the <br />same time, etc. <br />Mr. Ellison: Mr. Johnson, could the Bureau check the <br />condition of the wiring so that we can determine if <br />indeed there is something wrong with it so that we may <br />re -i itiate another change order if the commission <br />should reject this change order? <br />Mr. Oohnson: Yes, we could. <br />Mr. Robinson made a motion to reject Change Order #1, <br />with F & F Electric, Inc., which was for an increase in <br />contract price of $450.00, seconded by Mr. Donaldson, and <br />the motion was unanimously carried. <br />f. Commission approval requested for Chanqe Order #2, with <br />Jurt n's Construction Company for a decrease in contract <br />price of $450.00, for an amended contract total of <br />$95198.00, at the address of 741 South Kaley Street, as <br />set orth in letter from Mr. James Harcus, Director, <br />Bureau of Housinq. <br />Mr. Johnson: The commission is requested to approve <br />Change Order #2 deleting from grant rehabilitation <br />specifications, service to roof trim and porch ceiling. <br />These items will be serviced under a separate 312 loan <br />contract specifying the installation of aluminum siding <br />of p operty at 741 S. Kaley. <br />Mr. ira: I don't understand why there is a total price <br />of s ffit and ceiling price of $575.00, and yet he is <br />only asking for $450.00, why is that? <br />Mr. 4ohnson: Evidently, this contractor has the grant <br />port on of the contract and a loan; but, I am not sure. <br />-7- <br />CHANGE ORDER #2 <br />WITH JURTIN'S <br />CONSTRUCTION CO., <br />TABLED <br />