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South Bend R development Commission <br />Regular Meet'ng July 20, 1979 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />i. Commission approval requested to 'authorize staff <br />to a are and enter into "an agreement for ro- <br />fess'onal services 'with "Gruen Associates, Inc. in <br />conn ction with land disposition activities in <br />Ind. R -66 Centur Y Mall). <br />_ <br />Mr. �llison read the following memorandum: <br />Comm- zzione.As : <br />M yon Pettit J. Nemeth has asked the Department <br />to MteA into an agteement with Gruen Aszoai.ates <br />a4 Nm Yo&k City to ptepate a basic concept plan <br />and ielsign ittustAated by apptopAia>te gtaphics and <br />a mo e.2 4ot the CentuAg MaU P&o ee t. Gruen' s <br />,sety "cets w.Ut cast $95,000 - $112,000. By this <br />memo andum, then, the ta44 tequest6 Commis zion <br />authoAization to ptepate and execute an agteemenvt <br />4ot the above dens etr ib ed z etvicels . As ups uat, the <br />ag,teement would be 'subject to the ptiot teview o4 <br />the omm- zzion',s tegat eouwse.C. 14 apptoved, Gruen <br />w,iU eomptete wo&k by OctobeA 1979. The sta44 <br />&ecoinmen6 youA 4avotabte cawsidetati>on o4 this matter. <br />S/ <br />CaAt F.?.P,us on <br />Mr. imtz: I believe a number of the Commissioner's <br />were polled about this subject. Mr. Wiggins (who <br />used to serve on the Commission), and Mr. Robinson, <br />served on an architect's committee which met a number <br />of times concerning this matter. I was unable to reach <br />Mr. Zobinson last week, so I contacted Mr. Wiggins, and <br />it i now my understanding that there were two firms <br />whici were rated high by your committee, and Gruen was <br />one f them. <br />Mr. Robinson: That is correct. <br />Ms. Auburn: May I assume that Gruen Associates will be' <br />work ng with Rouse Corporation, so that there is some <br />carr over from the Rouse study, which would go into <br />the lesign work of Gruen? <br />Mr. <br />betw <br />St. <br />Comm <br />rel a <br />So f <br />with <br />:llison: The arrangement with Rouse involved a contract <br />)en the Commission and a private institution, namely the <br />Joseph Bank. The contract with Gruen is only between the <br />ission, and Gruen; thus, there is no client consultant <br />-ionship between Gruen and anybody except the Commission. <br />)r practical purposes, we cannot compel them to cooperate <br />Gruen, but we expect that to happen. <br />COMMISSION APPROVAL <br />GRANTED TO STAFF TO <br />PREPARE AND ENTER <br />INTO AN AGREEMENT FOR <br />PROFESSIONAL SERVICES <br />WITH GRUEN ASSOCIATES, <br />INC. (Ind. R -66) <br />