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South BE <br />Regular <br />6. NEW <br />a <br />c. <br />N <br />!nd <br />Redevelopment Commission <br />Meeting <br />- July 6, 1979 <br />BUSINESS <br />(continued) <br />continued.... <br />Mr. <br />Donaldson made a motion to approve Change Order <br />#3, <br />#4, and #5 with Plaia Construction Company, increasii <br />costs <br />by $136.00, $120.00, and $72.00 respectively, <br />seconded <br />by Mr. Cira, and the motion was unanimously <br />carried. <br />Commission <br />approval requested for Change Order #1 with <br />Charles <br />Brown Maintenance Com an , Inc:, for an increase <br />in <br />contract rice of $464.00, for'an amended contract <br />total <br />of 1,266.00, a t the address of 408 East`Kease <br />Street, <br />as set forth in letter from Mr. James'Harcus, <br />Director, <br />Bureau of Housing. <br />Harcus: Contract Set #02B provides corrective ser- <br />Mr. <br />vice <br />to six (6) homes which experienced problems when thi <br />involved <br />General Construction Contractor went out of <br />business <br />over two (2) years ago. At 408 East Keasey <br />Street <br />in Contract #02B, specified replacement of kitche <br />and <br />bathroom floor tile. While removing tile, present <br />participating <br />contractor discovered that previous <br />contractor <br />had neglected to install "underlayment ". <br />While <br />confirming this observation the Bureau investi- <br />gated <br />probable reasons for floor deterioration and con- <br />cluded <br />that an unused chimney should be removed and <br />that <br />spot roof repair was necessary. The Commission <br />is <br />requested to approve Change Order #1 servicing <br />the <br />above items at a cost of $464.00. <br />Mr. <br />Donaldson made a motion to approve Change Order #1 <br />with <br />Charles Brown Maintenance Company, Inc., for an <br />increase <br />in contract price of $464.00, seconded by <br />Mr. <br />Robinson, and the motion was unanimously carried. <br />C <br />mmission approval requested for award of the following <br />co <br />trac s for general -construction, and elec trical, <br />No <br />thwest Contract Set #08A, in accordance with recom- <br />me <br />dation of Project Advisor Board "B ", with award <br />su <br />ject to legal counsel review and South Bend Common <br />Co <br />ncil approval. <br />Northwest Contract Set #08A <br />Riverbend Remodeling Co. ....... $51,305.60 <br />(general construction) <br />F & F Electric, Inc. ....... $12,780.00 <br />(electrical contract) <br />-6- <br />ig <br />CHANGE ORDER #1 <br />WITH CHARLES <br />BROWN MAINTEN- <br />ANCE CO., INC. <br />APPROVED <br />NORTHWEST CONTRACT <br />SET #08A AWARDED <br />TO RIVERBEND <br />REMODELING CO. <br />FOR GENERAL CON- <br />STRUCTION AND <br />F &F ELECTRIC, INC. <br />FOR ELECTRICAL <br />CONTRACT <br />