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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting July 6, 1979 <br />6. NEW BU�SINESS (continued) <br />d. continued...... <br />Mr. Robinson made a motion to approve awarding of <br />Northwest Contract Set #08A to Riverbend Remodeling <br />Co., general construction for $51,305.60, and F &F <br />Electric, Inc., electrical for $12,780.00, with award <br />subject to .legal counsel review and South Bend Common <br />Co ncil approval, seconded by Mr. Donaldson, and the <br />mo ion was unanimously carried. <br />e. Co mission approval requested for Resolution #583 <br />authorizing commencement of condemnation action on <br />Ac uisition'Parcel' #8 -10® Indiana R -66. <br />f. <br />Mr. Butler: Resolution #581, adopted on the last <br />meeting in May, authorized condemnation proceedings <br />on this same parcel, however, at that point we were <br />under the impression that the owners of the land <br />al 3o owned the i'mprovements'i'n that particular <br />ca e. We are asking for adoption of this resolution <br />which appeals and rescinds Resolution #581, and <br />reauthorizes the condemnation proceedings against <br />bo h the owners of the land and the tenants who own <br />th improvements. <br />Mr. Donaldson made a motion to approve Resolution #583 <br />to appeal and rescind Resolution #581, and reauthorize <br />the condemnation action on Acquisition Parcel #8 -10, <br />Indiana R -66, seconded by Mr. Robinson, and the motion <br />wa3 unanimously carried. <br />mission a <br />deadli ne <br />rovements <br />Main Lib <br />iod'and the <br />r pu <br />pproval requested to extend by ten <br />to begin and 'complete construction <br />on Disposition Parcel #8117; (Sout <br />rar.v and utilize said Parcel durin <br />n <br />urpose of free controlled surfa <br />ic'library users. <br />ears <br />of <br />of <br />this <br />e <br />Mr. Ellison: On June 19, 1979, we received a letter <br />fr m Mr. Napoli, the Library Director, which I will <br />read in part. ....... "At their last regularly <br />sc eduled meeting on June 18, 1979, the Board of <br />Li rary Trustees of the South Bend Public Library <br />ap roved my recommendation that we submit to you a <br />fo mal request to: <br />a) extend by ten (10) years the deadline to begin <br />and complete construction of improvements on <br />our parcel of land (parcel #8 -17) South of <br />the Main Library; and <br />_ 7_ <br />I <br />RESOLUTION #583 <br />AUTHORIZING CON- <br />DEMNATION ACTION <br />ON ACQ. PARCEL <br />#8 -10, IND. R -66 <br />APPROVED <br />APPROVAL OF A ONE <br />YEAR EXTENSION <br />FOR IMPROVEMENTS <br />MADE TO SO. BND. <br />PUBLIC LIBRARY & <br />CONTROLLED SUR- <br />FACE PARKING <br />