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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Me ting - July 6, 1979 <br />7. PROGRE�S REPORTS (continued) <br />b. Msl. Hernandez continues.... <br />We also thank Mr. Ellison for being willing to <br />consider moving good houses into that area, <br />although we don't quite understand where he plans <br />to put them since there are no vacant lots in that <br />particular section. We continue to be very concerned <br />ab ut how this plan affects not only Monroe - Sample, <br />but the entire Southeast side as a neighborhood. <br />In particular we want everyone to understand how, <br />this affects people. <br />To you it is just a decision to demolish 57 <br />structures. To us it is a decision to wipe out our <br />hones, our histories, our memories, our hopes, our <br />dr ams and our friendships. Have you actually stood <br />anJ watched the bulldozer push one of these houses <br />do n? I have. It gives me a sick feeling to watch <br />what must have taken months, maybe years, of planning, <br />sa ing, sweating, building, struggling, just knocked <br />ov r and gobbled up in a matter of hours or days. I <br />fe 1 a loss of something which can never be replaced, <br />an I wonder, for what...? Is this really progress? <br />We are told it is. We are promised economic <br />be efit. We are promised jobs. But we see this plan <br />as being simply a way to provide inexpensive land for <br />th2 businesses who also will be uprotted by the East <br />Ba k part of this project. We do not see any benefit <br />in this to us, although we understand quite clearly <br />ho it can benefit the businesses in the areas of <br />ac uisition and tax breaks. <br />The second benefit we are promised is less delay <br />fo inbound busses which currently must make a left <br />turn at Fellows on to Monroe. We feel that a traffic <br />signal at that intersection would accomplish the same <br />thing at a much lower cost to the taxpayers than <br />demolishing 57 structures. In our estimation, the <br />real reasoning behind the Fellows - Columbia connector <br />is to facilitate traffic flow from below the Southeast <br />NSA. The connector is not benefitting neighborhood <br />residents either north or south of Sample Street who <br />ri a public transportation, but rather it is planned <br />to assist individual drivers moving to or from the <br />do ntown area and outlying places. <br />-21- <br />