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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Me ting - July 6, 1979 <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS (continued) <br />b. Ms1 Hernandez continues... <br />As more people begin to use that connector, it <br />wi l make someone come up with the idea of widening <br />Fellows to accommodate the increased traffic flow, thus <br />spitting our neighborhood down the middle. Already one <br />child has been killed crossing this street. Why take <br />th chance of there being another? For the last seven <br />years or more, we have been on record as being opposed <br />to the widening idea. We feel that the Fellows - <br />Columbia connector is the City's feet in the door, so <br />to speak, to eventually do just that. <br />The plan also allows those of us living east of <br />th clearance zone to continue drifting for the next <br />th ee years in the very same limbo that we have been <br />in <br />How many repairs do we make? Where can we get the <br />mo ey? Will it be destroyed any way? Is there another <br />possibility no one has thought of? Will CD exist three <br />years from now? Mr. Ellison has made it clear that in <br />his opinion there is no kind of feasible in -fill housing <br />fo this area. But what else is the land wanted for? <br />As I stated earlier, we are disappointed. We love <br />oui neighborhood. We want it to be viable. We want <br />it to continue as a mixture of young and old, Black and <br />wh te, rich and ppor, but we don't see this plan as <br />helping us achieve that kind of viability. We see 57 <br />st uctures being demolished, and with them hopes and <br />dr ams of the past, present and future being charted <br />of to the landfill. <br />We just ask that each of you weigh carefully what <br />this means to people. Don't just look at what this <br />dos for traffic flow or what it means in terms of tax <br />ba e 5 or 10 years from now. Think what it means in <br />crushed hopes, shattered dreams and disrupted retire <br />me t years. Is it worth it? Our fate, in part depends <br />on you." <br />GtendaRae Hernandez, Pxesident <br />Southeast Side Net:ghbonhood PAC, Inc. <br />June 1, 1979 <br />Mr. Nimtz; If there are no questions, this report <br />(copies of Ms. Hernandez's report were given to <br />the Commissioners, and Redevelopment Director, <br />Mr Carl Ellison) will be referred to the staff for <br />th it recommendation and support. <br />-22- <br />