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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Me ting - July 6, 1979 <br />7. PROGRE S REPORTS (continued) <br />b. continued ..... <br />Mr. Nimtz: The Redevelopment Commission has not made <br />an decision. Technically; what we do now is refer <br />this to the staff for recommendation. <br />The Chair then recognized the Honorable Peter J. Nemeth, <br />Mayor, for the City of South Bend. <br />Mayor Peter J. Nemeth: I think a word of compliment is <br />due to Mr. Childs for the work he has done. I feel he <br />has made a very thorough investigation of this area <br />and has done a good job on reflecting what is there <br />now, as well as projecting what could be there in the <br />future. I think that if we really want to be a City <br />on the move, and I think we are, just from what I <br />have seen here today, I think it is a project that <br />is going to do a lot to improve the Southeast side area. <br />I now that many of the people in the Southeast area <br />hate been opposed to it, but I think that when you stand <br />ba k and look at the future of South Bend and the future <br />of the Southeast neighborhood, there is no doubt in my <br />mi d that this is not not only going to improve property <br />va ues, but it is probably going to make it a much <br />be ter residential area. I want to commend the <br />Co missioners again for your foresight in forging <br />ah ad in this project. <br />Mrs Nimtz: The Chair will now recognize Ms. Hernandez. <br />Ms Hernandez: "Mr. Nimtz and Commissioners ": "I would <br />li e to offer some comments reflecting the reactions <br />ani feelings of the Southeast Side Neighborhood PAC, Inc. <br />with respect to Mr. Childs' plan for Monroe - Sample. <br />Several of us did meet with Mr. Childs one time and <br />we discussed our various concerns. After that meeting <br />we conducted a door to door survey to help determine <br />hoa many residents really wanted to stay. We found the <br />survey did in fact confirm what we had been saying all <br />al ng. <br />We appreciate Mr. Childs trying to reflect some of <br />ou concerns, but we are still disappointed. We are <br />grateful for the City's commitment that at least <br />St. Joseph and Carroll Sts. would be preserved and <br />have rehabilitation monies made available. <br />-20- <br />