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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Me ting — July 6, 1979 <br />7. PROGRE�S REPORTS (continued) <br />b. co6tinued ...... (Monroe /Sample Project) <br />In order to maintain the existing trees and eliminate <br />co tly utility relocation, the existing street grid <br />is proposed to remain basically intact. Consideration <br />sh uld be given to eliminating Bronson Street at its <br />in ersection with Michigan Street as it appears to <br />pr sent a hazard at the viaduct. Additional consider- <br />at-on should be given to entering the area from Sample <br />St eet at locations other than currently exist.... <br />po sibly at Rush and Marietta Streets as shown on <br />Board 9. It is recommended that access to properties <br />at Monroe Street and Lincolnway East be via major <br />st eets and not through additional curb cuts. <br />In order to maintain and upgrade the residential segment <br />of the project, it will be necessary to fill in the vacant <br />lots currently existing. Since it appears unlikely that <br />new residential structures will be built, it is recommended <br />that the best structures currently located outside the <br />residential area be relocated to the vacant lots designated <br />as proposed residential use. <br />It is intended that redevelopment activity begin in the <br />area outlined as the impaction area and move toward the <br />east to Lincolnway as this is the area currently containing <br />the predominance of vacant areas. <br />During the course of the study, approximately twenty businesses <br />and organizations were contacted with regard to possible <br />re ocation in the area and all indicated favorable <br />interest. Board 9 shows a typical projected use for the <br />impaction area incorporating the needs of randomly selected <br />firms which were interviewed. <br />With that, I will conclude. If there are any questions, I will <br />be happy to attempt to address. <br />Concerned Citizen: What is the length of time a <br />project like that might take to complete? <br />Mr. Ellison: I would think that we would be talking <br />about a relatively short period, somewhere around a <br />five (5) year period from the start to finish of that <br />project area. That is, of course, just a guess; as <br />things may change. <br />Ms Esther Waldon: Have they decided yet just exactly <br />wh t they are going to do? <br />