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South Ben0edevelopment Commission <br />Regular Me ting - July 6, 1979 <br />7. PROGRE�S REPORTS (continued) <br />b. Presentation by James E. Childs & Associates <br />re ardinq the Monroe /Sample Project. <br />Mr. Nimtz: Several weeks ago the Redevelopment <br />Co mission hired Mr. James E. Childs, a local <br />ar hitect to study the Monroe /Sample Street <br />ar a, and I -am now pleased to recognize Mr. Childs <br />for a report. <br />Mr. Childs: I am pleased to be here this morning <br />to present this study on the Monroe /Sample Project. <br />I would like to begin by running through some of the <br />things we have observed and then outline and present <br />ou conclusion. As you know, the project area is <br />to ated near the central downtown core. <br />Mr. Childs presented drawings and maps to <br />eryone present The following is a report which <br />submitted to the Redevelopment Commissioners. <br />"Monroe /Sample Project" <br />Pr ject Scope and Requirements: The study is to address <br />re ommendations for future land uses within an area <br />bo nded on the north by Monroe Street, on the South by <br />thR Grand Trunk - Western Railroad tracks and Sample Street, <br />on the east by Lincolnway East, and on the west by <br />Main Street. <br />Th study is also to address itself in a more specified <br />wa to recommendations for future land uses, lot <br />to ations and sizes, parking requirements and vehicular <br />ani pedestrian traffic movement within an initial im- <br />pa tion area of approximately nine blocks, the specific <br />bolundaries of which will be defined by the study. <br />Objectives: The objective of redevelopment in the area <br />will be to effect stabilization and promote orderly <br />developmental growth. The project area acts as an <br />entrance to the center city core when approaching <br />from the south and the initial visual impact at this <br />point is vital. Proper development will also create <br />a positive impact on the existing developed area <br />between Lincolnway East and the St. Joseph River. <br />A <br />a Physical Characteristics: For some time, the area <br />been in a general physical state of decline and at <br />present time this decline is continuing and develop - <br />tal growth has ceased. <br />-16- <br />PRESENTATION BY <br />JAMES E. CHILDS <br />OF JAMES E. CHILDS <br />& ASSOCIATES, RE: <br />MONROE /SAMPLE PROD. <br />