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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Me ting July 6, 1979 <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS (continued) <br />Mr. Bartolo: We feel that 90 days is sufficient <br />tine. If this is a new entry in the market, it <br />would be very difficult, but this building has <br />ben talked about for years. <br />Mr Lindstandt: But three people are currently <br />in erested. <br />Mr. Bartolo: My market people and myself feel <br />th t it would be nice to have the building <br />re novated. <br />Mr. Lindstandt: For one thing, you would have <br />that much office space on the market in much <br />le 3s time than you could possibly do otherwise. <br />Mr. Bartolo: That will give the project a quick <br />st rt. <br />Ms. Schankerman: The newspaper said that the current <br />in estors are ever changing; who are the current <br />in es tors ? <br />Mr. Molinaro: There are no actual investors whom <br />we are dealing with. We are not negotiating a deal <br />with anyone. <br />Mr. Ellison: Ms. Schankerman, essentially the investor <br />gr up is the same as it has been, and I can supply you <br />with the list; that way you can compare it with the <br />original document. <br />Mr. Nimtz: The Chair wishes to thank both of you <br />ge tlemen (Mr. Molinaro and Mr. Bartolo) for your <br />presentation. <br />The Chair is now pleased to recognize the Honorable <br />Peter J. Nemeth, Mayor of the City of South Bend. <br />Ma or Peter J. Nemeth: I would like to commend the <br />Ro se Corporation on the fine job they have been doing. <br />I think we can now see progress as time goes by; we <br />are getting closer and closer to the goal of our downtown <br />area; not only for commercial and office, but retail and <br />re idential as well. I think we have to be optimistic <br />as a result of the Rouse Study, and it proves that all <br />al ng we do have a reliable product downtown and can <br />be in work. <br />-15- <br />