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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Me Ling - July 6, 1979 <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS (continued) <br />b. co tinued.....(.Monroe /Sample Project) <br />Th project area encompasses approximately 69 <br />ac es of usable land (excluding streets and <br />alleys) and contains multiple uses as follows: <br />Residential 24.5 acres (35.5 %) <br />Institutional 2.2 acres ( 2.2 %) <br />Commercial 11.4 acres (16.5 %) <br />Light <br />Industrial 8.7 acres (12.6 %) <br />Undeveloped <br />(vacant) 22.2 acres (32.3 %) <br />Th residential area has declined to the worst <br />st to toward the east portion of the area and the <br />li ht industrial use has begun to develop at the <br />so th portion of the area near the railroad and Sample <br />St eet. Commercial development exists mainly at <br />th western portion of the project area although <br />so a commercial exists at Lincolnway East and at <br />th interior of the area. <br />Th soils present are Oshtemo and Tyner which indi <br />ca a the presence of a water table lower than six <br />fe t below grade and few limitations for structures. <br />Ut'lities are available and extend through the <br />pr ject area with general locations as follows: <br />Electric and Telephone - Alleys <br />Gas, Water and Sewer - Main Streets <br />Ex sting streets are generally fair to good with <br />an unusually high percentage of the streets being <br />br ck pavement. Existing streets are generally <br />tr a lined with the general quality of the trees <br />being good. <br />St uctures exist which, to varying degrees, are <br />"a chitecturally significant ". Board 6 indicates <br />an evaluation relative to stylistic family purity, <br />or amentation and detailing. The structures are <br />fu ther categorized as to building physical condition. <br />It should be noted that the majority of the architec- <br />tu ally significant structures are located east and <br />we t of St. Joseph Street between Monroe and <br />Br nson Streets. <br />-17- <br />