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South Be id Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular eeting May 18, 1979 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />C. continued.... <br />Cira made a motion to approve Change Order #1, with <br />A. Stickler Plumbing, for an increase in contract <br />ce of $167.00, at the address of 237 East Indiana, <br />onded by Mr. Donaldson, and the motion was unanimously <br />r-i AA <br />d. Commission approval requested for award of the following HEATING & <br />b d contracts for heatin and lambing; Nor est PLUMBING BIDS FOR <br />-contract iet IMB., in accor nce wit recommeA tion of <br />A visory Boar A "; su 'ect to leg CONTRACT SET <br />al counsel review. CO #08 APPROVED <br />Northwest Contract Set #08 <br />Area Services <br />(heating contract) $3,034.00 <br />B & B Plumbing <br />(plumbing contract) $2,830.00 <br />Mr. Cira made a motion that the bid contract for heating <br />and plumbing Northwest Contract Set #08, be awarded to <br />Ar a Services (heating contract) for $3,034.00, and to <br />B B Plumbing (plumbing contract) for $2,830.00, subject <br />to legal counsel review, seconded by Mi. Auburn, and the <br />motion was unanimously carried. <br />e. Co ssion approval requested for the rejection of bids ELECTRICAL & GEN- <br />re eive on Nor west'Coritract Set 08; on e General ERAL CONSTRUCTION <br />Co stru -tion an 'Electrical contract awar ; as recom- BIDS RECEIVED ON <br />fEe—re y A viso Boar "A" as set or iri letter CONTRACT SET N.W. <br />r m Mr. James Harcus; Director; Bureau o Housin #08 REJECTED <br />Mr. Harcus: In accordance with the recommendation of <br />Advisory Board "A", request is hereby made for Redevelop- <br />ment Commission rejection of the bids for Northwest Set #08 <br />on the General Construction and Electrical contract awards. <br />If this recommendation meets with your approval, the Bureau <br />will expedite the readvertising of bids and shall antici- <br />pate having the appropriate notices in the newspapers on <br />May 25, 1979, and June 1, 1979. Be advised that corres- <br />ponding Northwest Contract Set #08 Heating and Plumbing <br />contractors, recommended for approval in prior requests to <br />the Commission have agreed to delay their work until the <br />aboire rebids are processed. With this cooperation, the <br />Bureau will still be able to coordinate the four (4) crafts <br />se icing N.W. Contract Set #08. With the general contruction <br />bid two bidders submitted an incorrect figure which was way above <br />the estimated cost. On the electrical contract, we only received <br />one bidder, and that bid was 21% above the estimated cost. <br />-5- <br />