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South B <br />Regul ar <br />6. NEW <br />Redevelopment Commission <br />ting —March 16, 1979 <br />INESS (continued) <br />h. qommission ap <br />Of Completion <br />:sted for execution of Certificate <br />Karl King Towers. <br />r. 'Ellison: Pursuant to regular agency practice, we <br />sked Mr. Childs to inspect the project to determine <br />hether it had been built in conformance with plans <br />nd specifications. Subsequently, Mr. Childs wrote a <br />etter to the department indicating that the Karl King <br />owers had been built in compliance. Therefore, we <br />ow seek Commission approval for the execution of a <br />ertificate of Completion for Karl King Towners. <br />. Nimtz: I have spoken with Mr. Childs, and he has <br />3e a report concerning the completion of Karl King <br />veers, to be satisfactory. <br />. Donaldson made a motion to approve the execution of <br />rtificate of Completion for Karl King Towers, seconded <br />Mr. Cira and the motion was unanimously carried. <br />i. 0 ening of bid prof <br />C ntract Number 40. <br />zls offered and received for Demolition <br />e following bid proposals were received: <br />ebert & Associates....... ............$54,740 <br />Neal Trucking Co., Inc . ...............$61,950 <br />rthern Virginia Demolition <br />Corporation .....................$44,000 <br />tschard Bros . . ........................$39,635 <br />rner $ Sons, Inc . .....................$42,440 <br />CERTIFICATE OF <br />COMPLETION <br />APPROVED FOR <br />KARL KING <br />TOWERS <br />BIDS RECEIVED <br />FOR DEMOLITION <br />CONTRACT #40 <br />Auburn: Since this is the first time I have been involved <br />ii the opening of bids with the Redevelopment Commission, I am <br />s rprised at the disparity between the bids that have come back. <br />T ere is almost a 50 %discrepancy between the low and the high bid. <br />. Cira: When the staff reviews each bid we should find out why. <br />M . Auburn: What kind of information does the staff bring back <br />t us then, I assume that we make a decision by picking one final <br />b'dder? <br />Nimtz: We will review the bids to see if there are any exceptions, <br />contingencies involved in any of the bids. You will find that bids <br />Lll differ on many things depending on people's experience factor <br />id whether they own their own equipment, or rent it, number of <br />mhours required to complete the job, etc. <br />-7- <br />