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South Bed Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting , March 16, 1979 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />i. dontinued... <br />. Donaldson: Are there any kind of certificates on these bids <br />ich would tell where the demolition has to be taken? Where <br />11 the debris be taken? <br />. Ellison: They have to have a permit (Certificate of Land - <br />11), which has to be signed by a health officer of St. Joseph <br />unty. <br />. Donaldson: Are there any conditions of maintaining this <br />to where they are delivering this debris? Is there anything <br />ich has to be signed which will guarantee the health depart - <br />nt that the debris will be disposed of properly? There is a <br />alth ordinance which states that demolition must be compacted <br />d covered once a week. <br />. Leszczynski: We can make it a point that before the contractors <br />ceive a completion affidavit, that we check with the Health <br />ficer to be certain they have complied with this ordinance. <br />. Butler: Mr. Donaldson, we are imposing those conditions in <br />general way by requiring them to comply with all ordinances <br />d statutes. If they don't, they are in violation of our <br />reement. <br />Donaldson made a motion that the above bids be referred <br />t the staff and legal counsel for approval and recommendation, <br />s conded by Mr. Cira, and the motion was unanimously carried. <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />Mr. Ellison: Mr. Butler has a report on the mall project. PROGRESS ON <br />CENTURY MALL <br />Mr. Butler: The Ault property has been acquired, and that <br />was f'nalized on Wednesday. There is a tenant in that property <br />(The White Elephant), and he will be remaining in the property <br />at le st until the end of April; possibly longer, as they have <br />not mELde a determination. We are anticipating one other <br />property which we will be closing within the next week. Inci- <br />dentally, on that property we have agreed with Mr. Sherk, who <br />is tha owner of the White Elephant, that he may remove the spiral <br />staircase in front of the building (prior to our demolition), if <br />it is done without creating any dangerous condition. It appears <br />that all that is required is the removal of bolts at the base <br />and ar the top; and it would come out in sections, <br />Ms. D rbeck: Can you tell us the price? <br />-8- <br />