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South Bed Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - March 16, 1979 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br />e. dontinued... <br />r. Cira made a motion to approve Change Order #3, <br />ith R. A. Stickler Plumbing for an increase in <br />ontract price of $215.00, at the address of 1306 <br />. Miner Street, seconded by Ms. Auburn, and the <br />otion was unanimously carried. <br />f. Commission approval requested for Resolution #574, RESOLUTION <br />uthorizing the execution of Redevelop ment Agreement for #574 APPROVED <br />is osition of land and the execution of quit claim deed(s) <br />Or the transfer of title thereto in connection with land <br />o be disposed of in the LaSalle Park Project, Indiana R-57. <br />Parcel Number Name Amount <br />14 -11 $ 14 -12 Sammy Vaughn $296.00 <br />Auburn made a motion to approve Resolution #574, <br />thorizing execution of Redevelopment agreement for <br />spositon of land and the execution of quit claim deed(s) <br />r the transfer of title thereto in connection with land <br />be disposed of in the LaSalle Park Project, Indiana <br />57, Parcel Numbers 14 -11, and 14 -12 to Sammy Vaughn <br />the amount of $296.00, seconded by Mr. Donaldson and <br />e motion was unanimously carried. <br />g. Commission approval requested for a lease agreement between LEASE AGREEMENT <br />t e City of South Bend, Department of Redevelopment, and the BETWEEN REDS <br />S uth Bend Public Transportation Corporation, Central Down- VELOPMENT & <br />town Renewal Project, IND. R -66, Disposition Parcels TRANSPO <br />65 -67. APPROVED <br />. Ellison: Our lease with the South Bend Public Trans- <br />rtation Corporation needs to be renewed. There is, of <br />urse, a 30 -day termination clause which remains essentially <br />e same as we have had previously. <br />Cira made a motion to approve the lease agreement between <br />the City of South Bend, Department of Redevelopment, and the <br />South Bend Public Transportation Central Downtown Renewal <br />Project, IND. R -66, Disposition parcels 65 -67, for one year <br />r $1.00, seconded by Mr. Donaldson, and the motion was <br />u animously carried. <br />-6- <br />