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South Bed Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting - March 16, 1979 <br />6. NEW AUSINESS (continued) <br />c. Commission approval requested for Change Order #1, Jurtin's CHANGE ORDER <br />C nstruction Co., for an increase in contract pric e of #1, JURTIN'S <br />80.00, for an amended contract total of 3,931.00, at CONSTRUCTION <br />t e address of 1029 N. Lawndale Ave., as set forth in letter CO., APPROVED <br />om Mr. James Harcus, Director, Bureau of Housing. <br />e contract for 1029 N. Lawndale specified repairs to <br />rch ceiling. While attempting this service, General <br />nstruction contractor found that his nails were not holding <br />d that segment of the joists were rotted. This observation <br />s confirmed by a Bureau Inspector and a cost quote for <br />lated repairs was obtained. This change order would <br />crease the contract price by $180.00. <br />Donaldson made a motion to approve Change Order #1, <br />th Jurtin's Construction Company for an increase in <br />ntract price of $180.00, at the address of 1029 N. <br />wndale Ave., seconded by Ms. Auburn, and the motion was <br />animously carried. <br />d. C mmission approval re uested for Change Order #3, CHANGE ORDER <br />P aia Construction Co., for an increase in contract #3, PLAIA <br />ice of 296.00, for an amended contract total of CONSTRUCTION <br />,300.00, at the address of 1516 West Fisher Street, CO., APPROVED <br />a3 set forth in letter from Mr. James Harcus, Director, <br />Btireau of Housing. <br />Tie rehabilitation contract for 1516 W. Fisher specified <br />s me foundation lattice work, replacement of 8 sq. ft. of <br />m'ssing kitchen ceiling tile, and painting of said ceiling. <br />H meowner now requests deletion of lattice specification. <br />Tie general contractor failed to locate ceiling tile <br />s milar to that existing. The Bureau, therefore, requested <br />a proval for deletion of ceiling related specifications <br />d the addition to the contract of a drop ceiling as the <br />alternate remedy. The actions recommended will increase <br />contract cost by $296.00. <br />e. C mmissi.on <br />Stickler P <br />15.uu, ror an amen <br />e address of 1306 <br />etter <br />ing. <br />quested for Change Order #3, R,A. <br />an increase in contract price of <br />d contract total of $307.00, at <br />st Miner Street, as set <br />Mr. dames Harcus, Director, Bu <br />au of <br />ring rehabilitation of 1306 E. Miner a hot water tank <br />gan to leak. Such leakage is not readily repairable, <br />e Bureau of Housing issued an Emergency Repair Order <br />r the replacement of the hot water heater. The Change <br />der would increase the contract price by $215.00. <br />-5- <br />CHANGE ORDER <br />#3, R.A. <br />STICKLER <br />PLUMBING <br />APPROVED <br />