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South Ben Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting <br />December 1, 1978 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) <br />c. continued...... <br />Mr. Robinson moved for approval of the above 312 loan <br />application to Ms. Sandra Woods of 1721 W'. Ewing, in <br />the amount of $3,250.!00, seconded by Mr. Cira, and the <br />motion was unanimously carried. <br />d. Commission approval re uested by the South Advisory Board REHABILITATION <br />f r a grant of $7,669.82 to RENEW, INC. a not-for= profit GRANT APPROVED <br />o anization for the rehabilitation of the property located FOR RENEW, INC. <br />a 1010 West Jefferson Street, South Bend, Indiana, subject <br />to South Bend Common:'Counci.l approval. <br />Mr. Harcus: RENEW, INC., is a not - for -- profit organization <br />working with the Redevelopment Commission, and the Bureau of <br />Housing for rehabilitation of homes in the target areas. The <br />B reau of Housing, along with the South Advisory Board requests <br />t at you look favorably upon this contract. <br />M . Cira made a motion to approve the grant of $7,669.82 to <br />NEW, INC., a not -for- profit organization for rehabilitation <br />of property located at 1010 West Jefferson Street, subject to <br />S uth Bend Common Council approval, seconded by Mr. Robinson, <br />a d the motion was unanimously carried. <br />e. Commission approval requested by the South Advisory Board REHABILITATION <br />f r a grant of $8,000.00 to Grace A.M.E. Zion Church a GRANT APPROVED <br />not-for-profit or anization for the rehabilitation of FOR GRACE <br />2roperty located at 1111 North Blaine Street, South Bend, A.M.E. ZION <br />Indiana, subject to South Bend Common Council approval. CHURCH <br />Mr. Harcus: The Grace A.M.E. Zion Church, a not - for - profit <br />organization, is having their first exposure to the Bureau <br />of Housing, and Redevelopment Commission, and this is their <br />fist venture in rehabilitating homes within the target areas. <br />We hope that this relationship grows and they become a very <br />pr gressive rehabilitator for the Redevelopment Commission. <br />Wi h the approved support of the Advisory Board we ask that <br />yo look favorably upon this grant request. <br />Mr. Robinson: Who is going to own this house? Is it a private <br />o er, or is the Church going to own it? <br />Mr Harcus: The Church purchase must show title of the property <br />before we give them the grant, so they own the property now. <br />After it is rehabilitated, most non - profit groups sell the <br />ho se. <br />-4- <br />