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COMMISSIONER'S REGULAR MEETING <br />Fred y, July 21, 1978 <br />FLOO1 DISCUSSIONS (CONTINUED) <br />. Brownell: I can handle that, if it is your desire. <br />. Nimtz: Do I have any objections from anyone here? <br />Ir. Wiggins: With what is involved here, I would like to get the <br />nformation from the guy who has had the job, and is knowledgeable about <br />t. <br />r. Brammer: I think that the workload that I carried on here for <br />edevelopment did not necessitate my broker's license, because frankly, <br />worked with Mr. Butler on most of the land sales, and with Mr. Brownell <br />n any kind of functions dealing with real estate. <br />r. Brownell: I think I can help you, Mr. Brammer. I had Mr. Brammer <br />rowse through all the applications that came in under this advertisement, <br />nd his reaction was that he throught it should be readvertised, without the <br />acessity of being a broker or a salesman having a salesman's license, <br />hat was your reaction, Mr. Brammer? <br />Brammer: The only people really interested in the job then, are some <br />ingry brokers out there who might not be cutting it in the real estate <br />eld. <br />1. Nimtz: Mr. Brownell didn't tell me that you had reviewed the applications, <br />t just on my own reaction, I said it wasn't necessary to have a real <br />tate license. Okay, you will handle that then, Mr. Brownell? <br />Brownell: I will. <br />. Nimtz: I see Mr. Chapleau is here, and we have asked him to come this <br />rning. Ms. Jeanne Derbeck is gone, and she was raising the most questions <br />the last meeting on the status of the litigation. <br />Chapleau: I answered all of Ms. Derbeck's questions last night. <br />M . Nimtz: Well, Mr. Chapleau what can you tell us? We are waiting to <br />h ar if the Supreme Court is going to take jurisdiction or not. <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />S <br />i <br />r. Chapleau: That is right. This has created a problem for me, because <br />was working on the brief, to be submitted by the City, and to complete <br />ie briefing, I need to have a copy of the record of transcript, and the <br />)urt will not release the transcript until they rule on this question; so <br />can't complete the brief until after the court rules. I expect the court <br />ill do this in a very short time, but I can't give you any idea when. <br />talked to the man responsible for referring this to the Judges, and he <br />iid that he will do it as fast as he can, as he recognizes the problem <br />evolved. <br />